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label - Variable in class com.groiss.gui.AbstractComponent
the reference to the component, which is the label of this component
Label - Class in com.groiss.gui.component
A HTML label.
Label() - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.Label
Constructs a new label.
Label(String) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.Label
Constructs a new label with id.
Label(String, String) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.Label
Constructs a new label with id.
Label(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.Label
Constructs a new label with id.
label() - Method in class
Returns the label of the classification
labelFor - Variable in class com.groiss.gui.component.Label
the reference to the component, where this component is the label for
labelFor(Component) - Method in class com.groiss.gui.component.Label
labelFor() - Method in class com.groiss.gui.component.Label
LABELLEDBY - Static variable in interface com.groiss.gui.Component
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class com.groiss.ds.KeyedList
LASTMODIFIED - Static variable in class com.groiss.wfxml.GetPIDataMessage
LDAPPasswdAuth - Class in com.groiss.ldap
Authenticate against an LDAP server.
LDAPPasswdAuth() - Constructor for class com.groiss.ldap.LDAPPasswdAuth
LDAPUtils - Class in com.groiss.ldap
Helper class for dealing with LDAP-Servers
LDAPUtils() - Constructor for class com.groiss.ldap.LDAPUtils
LEFT - Static variable in class com.groiss.gui.table.TableRenderer
LegacyBridge - Class in com.groiss.wfxml
All methods deprecated.
LegacyBridge() - Constructor for class com.groiss.wfxml.LegacyBridge
legendElem - Variable in class com.groiss.gui.component.FieldSet
licenceStatus - Static variable in class com.groiss.servlet.Dispatcher
Lifecycle - Interface in com.groiss.component
Provides a consistent mechanism to start and stop components.
limitedList(Class<? extends P>, int, String, String, Object...) - Method in interface
This method returns the members of the given class matching the given condition and limiting the returned entry count.
limitedList(Class<? extends P>, int, int, String, String, Object...) - Method in interface
This method returns the members of the given class matching the given condition and limiting the returned entry count.
limitedList(Class<? extends P>, int, String, String, Object...) - Method in interface
This method returns the members of the given class matching the given condition and limiting the returned entry count.
limitedList(Class<? extends P>, int, int, String, String, Object...) - Method in interface
This method returns the members of the given class matching the given condition and limiting the returned entry count.
lineStyle(DMSObject, String) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.DMSTableHandler
Change the style of the line by returning the name of the style class to use.
lineStyle(DMSForm, String) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.FormTableHandler
Change the style of the line.
lineStyle(int, String) - Method in interface com.groiss.gui.table.Table
Use this method for defining a row specific css-class.
lineStyle(int, String) - Method in class com.groiss.gui.table.TableAdapter
Use this method for defining a row specific css-class.
lineStyle(T, String) - Method in interface com.groiss.storegui.ObjectTableHandler
Change the style of the line.
lineStyle(ActivityInstance, String) - Method in class
lineStyle(ActivityInstance, String) - Method in interface
Change the style of the line.
LINK - Static variable in interface com.groiss.dms.DMSTableHandler
key for the action 'Link'
LINK - Static variable in interface com.groiss.dms.RemoteDMS
Determines that a link to a DMSObject should be created
Link - Class in com.groiss.gui.component
A HTML link element (a).
Link() - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.Link
Constructs a new empty link.
Link(String, String) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.Link
Link(String, Object[]) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.Link
Link(String) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.Link
Link(String, Component) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.Link
Link(String, Content) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.Link
Link(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.Link
Constructor with text, url and target.
Link(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.Link
Constructor with text, url, target, and style.
Link(String, Component, String, String) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.Link
Link(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.Link
Constructor with text, url, target, style, and id.
list(Class<? extends T>, String, String) - Method in interface
Get a list of objects from the org-data database.
list(Class<? extends T>, String, String, Object...) - Method in interface
Get a list of objects from the org-data database.
list(String, String, String, Object...) - Method in interface
Get a list of objects from the org-data database.
list(Class<? extends T>, String, String) - Method in interface
Get a list of objects from the org-data database.
list(Class<? extends T>, String, String, Object...) - Method in interface
Get a list of objects from the org-data database.
list(String, String, String, Object...) - Method in interface
Get a list of objects from the org-data database.
list(Class<? extends P>) - Method in interface
This method returns all members of the given class.
list(String) - Method in interface
This method returns all members of the given class.
list(Class<? extends P>, String) - Method in interface
This method returns the members of the given class matching the given condition.
list(String, String) - Method in interface
This method returns the members of the given class matching the given condition.
list(Class<? extends P>, String, String) - Method in interface
This method returns the members of the given class matching the given condition.
list(String, String, String) - Method in interface
This method returns the members of the given class matching the given condition.
list(Class<? extends P>, String, String, Object...) - Method in interface
This method returns the members of the given class matching the given condition.
list(Class<? extends P>, String, String, Object[], int) - Method in interface
list(Class<? extends P>, String, String, Object[], int, int) - Method in interface
list(String, String, String, Object...) - Method in interface
This method returns the members of the given class matching the given condition.
list(Class<? extends P>) - Method in interface
This method returns all members of the given class.
list(String) - Method in interface
This method returns all members of the given class.
list(Class<? extends P>, String) - Method in interface
This method returns the members of the given class matching the given condition.
list(String, String) - Method in interface
This method returns the members of the given class matching the given condition.
list(Class<? extends P>, String, String) - Method in interface
This method returns the members of the given class matching the given condition.
list(String, String, String) - Method in interface
This method returns the members of the given class matching the given condition.
list(Class<? extends P>, String, String, Object...) - Method in interface
This method returns the members of the given class matching the given condition.
list(Class<? extends P>, String, String, Object[], int) - Method in interface
list(Class<? extends P>, String, String, Object[], int, int) - Method in interface
list(String, String, String, Object...) - Method in interface
This method returns the members of the given class matching the given condition.
list2(Class<? extends P>, String, Object...) - Method in interface
This method returns the members of the given class matching the given condition.
list2(String, String, Object...) - Method in interface
This method returns the members of the given class matching the given condition.
list2(Class<? extends P>, String, Object...) - Method in interface
This method returns the members of the given class matching the given condition.
list2(String, String, Object...) - Method in interface
This method returns the members of the given class matching the given condition.
listAttachedNotes(User) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.DMSObject
Returns a list of the attached notes of this object on which the passed user has the right to view them.
ListComparator - Class in com.groiss.ds
Compare two lists.
ListComparator(int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.groiss.ds.ListComparator
Construct a list comparator with a sort column and a boolean for sort direction.
ListComparator(int, boolean, int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.groiss.ds.ListComparator
Construct a list comparator with two sort columns and booleans for sort direction.
ListComparator(int[]) - Constructor for class com.groiss.ds.ListComparator
Construct a list comparator with an array of sort columns.
listContent() - Method in class com.groiss.wfxml.WfXMLFolder
You get a List filled with the content of this folder.
listContents(DMSFolder, FormType, String, String, Object[], boolean) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.DMS
listContents(DMSFolder, FormType, boolean, String, String, Object...) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.DMS
Returns a list of dms objects which match the passed condition
listContents() - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.DMSFolder
Returns a list holding the whole content of this folder.
listContents(DMSFolder, FormType, String, String, Object[], boolean) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.RemoteDMS
listContents(DMSFolder, FormType, boolean, String, String, Object...) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.RemoteDMS
Returns a list of dms objects which match the passed condition
listCreateableFormTypes(String, String) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.DMS
Returns the formtypes which meet the search condition and from which the passed user may create form objects.
listCreateableFormTypes(String, String) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.RemoteDMS
Returns the formtypes which meet the search condition and from which the passed user may create form objects.
listDMSFolderContent() - Method in class com.groiss.wfxml.WfXMLDocFormMessage
Use this method to get the content of this message's DMSFolder (that's the DMSFolder content of the process instance that changed its state).
listEvents(List<Persistent>, Date, Date) - Method in interface
This function returns a bunch of dates for each passed object
listEvents(Persistent, Date, Date) - Method in class
listEvents(List<Persistent>, Date, Date) - Method in class
This function returns a bunch of dates for each passed object
listFiles(String, File) - Static method in class com.groiss.util.FileUtil
List file with name specified with wildcard in directory and all its subdirectories.
listFiles(String, File, boolean) - Static method in class com.groiss.util.FileUtil
List file with name specified with wildcard in directory.
listFilters(List<ActivityInstance>) - Method in class
listFilters(List<ActivityInstance>) - Method in interface
Return a list of pairs containing id and name of self defined filters.
listFormVersions(ActivityInstance) - Method in interface
Returns a list of form versions (at most one for each process form) which were made in the context of the passed activity instance.
listFormVersions(ActivityInstance) - Method in interface
Returns a list of form versions (at most one for each process form) which were made in the context of the passed activity instance.
listIterator() - Method in class com.groiss.ds.KeyedList
listIterator(int) - Method in class com.groiss.ds.KeyedList
listKeywords(DMSObject) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.DMS
Returns a list of all keywords attached to the passed DMSObject
listKeywords(DMSObject) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.RemoteDMS
Returns a list of all keywords attached to the passed DMSObject
listNotes(DMSObject) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.DMS
Returns all the notes which are attached to target and which the user may view or edit No System notes are returned
listNotes(DMSObject, boolean) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.DMS
Returns all the notes which are attached to target and which the user may view or edit
listNotes(DMSObject) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.RemoteDMS
Returns all the notes which are attached to target and which the user may view or edit No System notes are returned
listNotes(DMSObject, boolean) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.RemoteDMS
Returns all the notes which are attached to target and which the user may view or edit
listParameterForms(String) - Method in class com.groiss.wfxml.CreatePIMessage
This method returns a Collection containing WfXMLForm objects which were set for the given parameter parameterName.
listParameterForms(String) - Method in class com.groiss.wfxml.NotifyMessage
This method returns a Collection containing WfXMLForm objects which were set for the given parameter parameterName.
listParameterValueElements(String) - Method in class com.groiss.wfxml.CreatePIMessage
This method returns a Collection with all values (as JDOM Element objects) for the given parameter.
listParameterValueElements(String) - Method in class com.groiss.wfxml.NotifyMessage
This method returns a Collection with all values (as JDOM Element objects) for the given parameter.
listParameterValueStrings(String) - Method in class com.groiss.wfxml.CreatePIMessage
Use this method to get a Collection filled with the strings of all values of a parameter.
listParameterValueStrings(String) - Method in class com.groiss.wfxml.GenericMessage
Returns a List containing all values of the parameter named parameterName.
listParameterValueStrings(String) - Method in class com.groiss.wfxml.NotifyMessage
Use this method to get a Collection filled with the strings of all values of a parameter.
listParameterValueStrings(String) - Method in class com.groiss.wfxml.PIStateChangedMessage
Use this method to get a Collection filled with the strings of all values of a parameter.
listPredecessors(ActivityInstance) - Method in interface
Return the list of predecessor steps of an activity instance.
listPredecessors(ActivityInstance) - Method in interface
Return the list of predecessor steps of an activity instance.
listPreviousSteps(ActivityInstance) - Method in interface
List the previous steps of the process (possible go back targets).
listPreviousSteps(ActivityInstance) - Method in interface
List the previous steps of the process (possible go back targets).
listProcessDefinitions(Application) - Method in interface
List the process definitions of the given application
listProcessDefinitions(Application) - Method in interface
List the process definitions of the given application
listProcessFormNames() - Method in class com.groiss.wfxml.GetPIDataMessage
Use this method to get all form names of the process forms that are included in this message.
listProcessForms() - Method in class com.groiss.wfxml.WfXMLDocFormMessage
Use this method to get a list of process forms included in this message.
listRequestedAttributeNames() - Method in class com.groiss.wfxml.GetPIDataMessage
Use this method to get a list containing the names of all requested attributes.
listSubfolders(DMSFolder) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.DMS
Returns a list of all folders which are subfolders of the given folder.
listSubfolders(DMSFolder) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.RemoteDMS
Returns a list of all folders which are subfolders of the given folder.
listSubFolders() - Method in class com.groiss.wfxml.WfXMLFolder
Use this method to get a list containing all subfolders of this folder.
listSubforms(DMSForm, int) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.DMS
Returns a list of subforms of the passed form (which is empty if there are none)
listSubforms(DMSForm, int, String, String, Object...) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.DMS
Returns a list of subforms of the passed form (which is empty if there are none)
listSubforms(DMSForm, int) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.RemoteDMS
Returns a list of subforms of the passed form (which is empty if there are none)
listSubforms(DMSForm, int, String, String, Object...) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.RemoteDMS
Returns a list of subforms of the passed form (which is empty if there are none)
listSuccessors(ActivityInstance) - Method in interface
Return the list of successor steps of an activity instance.
listSuccessors(ActivityInstance) - Method in interface
Return the list of successor steps of an activity instance.
listSystemNotes() - Method in interface
Get all SystemNotes, which are attached to this activityinstance
listUsersWithRole(Role, OrgUnit, Application) - Method in interface
List the users that have a role
listUsersWithRole(Role, OrgUnit, Application) - Method in interface
List the users that have a role
listVersions(DMSObject) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.DMS
Returns the versions of the specified object in descending order of their creation date.
listVersions(DMSObject, String, String, Object...) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.DMS
Returns the versions of the specified object matching the specified condition.
listVersions() - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.DMSObject
Returns the versions of this form in descending order of their creation date
listVersions(DMSObject) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.RemoteDMS
Returns the versions of the specified object in descending order of their creation date.
listVersions(DMSObject, String, String, Object...) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.RemoteDMS
Returns the versions of the specified object matching the specified condition.
listWithRightCheck(User, Class<? extends T>, String, String, Object[], Right, Application, boolean) - Method in interface
listWithRightCheck(User, Class<? extends T>, Right, Application, boolean, String, String, Object...) - Method in interface
Returns a list of all objects of the specified object class for which the specified user has the specified right and for which the condition matches.
listWithRightCheck(User, String, String, String, Object[], Right, Application, boolean) - Method in interface
listWithRightCheck(User, String, Right, Application, boolean, String, String, Object...) - Method in interface
Returns a list of all objects of the specified object class for which the specified user has the specified right and for which the condition matches.
listWithRightCheck(User, Class<? extends T>, String, String, Object[], Right, Application, boolean) - Method in interface
listWithRightCheck(User, Class<? extends T>, Right, Application, boolean, String, String, Object...) - Method in interface
Returns a list of all objects of the specified object class for which the specified user has the specified right and for which the condition matches.
listWithRightCheck(User, String, String, String, Object[], Right, Application, boolean) - Method in interface
listWithRightCheck(User, String, Right, Application, boolean, String, String, Object...) - Method in interface
Returns a list of all objects of the specified object class for which the specified user has the specified right and for which the condition matches.
load() - Method in class com.groiss.component.Configuration
Load or reload the configuration.
loadAndLocalizeResource(String) - Method in class com.groiss.component.Resource
loadAndLocalizeResource(String, Locale) - Method in class com.groiss.component.Resource
loadAndLocalizeResource(String, boolean) - Method in class com.groiss.component.Resource
loadAndLocalizeResource(String, Locale, boolean) - Method in class com.groiss.component.Resource
loadApplicationResource(String) - Static method in class com.groiss.util.FileUtil
Load a resource, i.e. a file from the classpath.
loadDefinition() - Method in class com.groiss.component.Configuration
loadPolicy(InputStream) - Method in class
loadPolicy(String) - Method in class
loadResource(String) - Static method in class com.groiss.util.FileUtil
Load a resource as string from the classpath.
loadResource(URL) - Static method in class com.groiss.util.FileUtil
Load a resource as string from an url.
loadResourceBytes(URL) - Static method in class com.groiss.util.FileUtil
Load a resource as byte array from the classpath.
loadResourceBytes(String) - Static method in class com.groiss.util.FileUtil
loadResourceFromStream(InputStream) - Static method in class com.groiss.util.FileUtil
Load a resource from an input stream (file, etc.).
loadResourceFromStream(InputStream, String) - Static method in class com.groiss.util.FileUtil
loadSettings(Element) - Method in class com.groiss.fileimport.csv.CSVSettings
loadSettings(StructuredFileSettings, Element) - Method in interface com.groiss.fileimport.Deserializer
loadSettings(StructuredFileSettings, Element) - Method in interface com.groiss.fileimport.Serializer
loadSettings(Element) - Method in class com.groiss.fileimport.StructuredFileSettings
loadStsPolicy(InputStream) - Method in class
loadStsPolicy(String) - Method in class
loadTopLevel(String) - Static method in class com.groiss.component.Configuration
Load the main configuration.
LOCAL - Static variable in interface
Entry has local scope.
LOCAL - Static variable in interface
local roles are valid in the context of a department.
localize(String, Locale) - Method in class com.groiss.component.Resource
Localize a string containing keys in following syntax: @@@key@@.
localize(String) - Static method in class com.groiss.reporting.QueryEngine
localize - Variable in class
localize(Element, Resource, Locale) - Static method in class com.groiss.xml.XMLUtil
localize an xml document. every text and attribute value is localized.
localizeNames() - Method in interface
Returns true when names of tasks or roles should be localized.
localizeNames() - Method in class
returns true if the application is the default application or the configuration has a resource file configured.
localizeValue() - Method in class com.groiss.gui.table.ColumnDescription
localStatus(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.groiss.wfxml.WfXML
lock(DMSDocForm) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.DMS
Locks the document.
lock(User) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.DMSDocForm
since ep10, will be removed in ep11 Use DMS.lock(DMSDocForm) instead
lock(DMSDocForm) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.RemoteDMS
Locks the document.
Lock - Class in
Make a database lock.
Lock() - Constructor for class
Lock(long, String) - Constructor for class
lock(long, String) - Static method in class
Try to make a database lock.
lock(String) - Method in class
Add a lock to the process instance.
LOCKED - Static variable in interface com.groiss.dms.DMSDocForm
since ep10, will be removed in ep11
lockForCurrentTransaction(long, String) - Static method in class
Try to make a database lock with a duration of the current transaction.
lockForCurrentTransaction(String) - Method in class
Add a lock to the process instance.
lockOperatorInParamMaskMode() - Method in class com.groiss.reporting.Query
log(String, ApplicationException.Level, Logger) - Method in exception com.groiss.util.ApplicationException
The cause is logged.
log(String, int) - Static method in class com.groiss.util.Settings
use own Logger instead
log(String, String) - Method in class
Writes the argument on the log.
LOG_DATE - Static variable in class
Date format for log output: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS
LogEntry - Interface in
A log entry written when an instance of HasLog is inserted, updated or deleted.
logError(Throwable) - Static method in class com.groiss.util.Settings
use own Logger instead
logError(Throwable, String) - Static method in class com.groiss.util.Settings
use own Logger instead
logError(Throwable, String, int) - Static method in class com.groiss.util.Settings
use own Logger instead
logger - Static variable in class com.groiss.component.LoggingWrapper
logger - Static variable in class com.groiss.http.Client
logger - Static variable in class com.groiss.ldap.LDAPPasswdAuth
logger - Static variable in enum
logger - Static variable in class com.groiss.util.ThreadContext
logger - Static variable in class
logger - Static variable in class com.groiss.wfxml.WfXMLMessage
LoggingWrapper - Class in com.groiss.component
adds logging support to arbitrary classes implementing interfaces a dynamic-proxy is used
login() - Method in class
LoginListener - Interface in
Allows to perform actions after login or logout on a IUserSession.
logout(String) - Method in interface com.groiss.server.Admin
Logout a user.
logout() - Method in interface
Terminate the session.
logout() - Method in class
logoutRedirect(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in interface com.groiss.servlet.HttpAuth
This method can be used to overwrite the logout redirect.
logParameters(HttpServletRequest, Logger) - Static method in class com.groiss.servlet.ServletUtils
Logs the parameters of an HttpRequest at log level INFO.
logRequest(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Logger) - Static method in class com.groiss.servlet.ServletUtils
Log the parameters of an HttpRequest.
logRequestProcessed(long, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Static method in class com.groiss.servlet.ServletUtils
Logs the duration of an HttpRequest.
LOOP - Static variable in interface
A loop node, starts a loop construct.
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