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TABLE - Static variable in interface com.groiss.dms.FormField
Subform table.
Table - Interface in com.groiss.gui.table
Interface describing a table for rendering in HTML
table(Class<? extends P>, String, Object...) - Method in interface
This method returns the members of the given class matching the given condition as a Map.
table(String, String, Object...) - Method in interface
This method returns the members of the given class matching the given condition as a Map.
table(Class<? extends P>, String, Object...) - Method in interface
This method returns the members of the given class matching the given condition as a Map.
table(String, String, Object...) - Method in interface
This method returns the members of the given class matching the given condition as a Map.
Table.ToolbarShape - Enum in com.groiss.gui.table
TableAdapter - Class in com.groiss.gui.table
Adapter class for the table interface.
TableAdapter() - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.table.TableAdapter
TableAdapter(TableModel, String) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.table.TableAdapter
TableAdapterUtil - Class in com.groiss.gui.table
shared methods for all tableadapter implementations WorklistAdapter, DMSTableAdapter, FormTableAdapter
TableAdapterUtil() - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.table.TableAdapterUtil
tableChanged(TableModelEvent) - Method in class com.groiss.gui.component.TableContainer
method which handles the incoming events
TableContainer - Class in com.groiss.gui.component
Container for a HTML table.
TableContainer() - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.TableContainer
constructs a new empty tablecontainer
TableContainer(String) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.TableContainer
Constructs a new empty table-container.
TableContainer(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.TableContainer
TableContainer(String, TableModel) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.TableContainer
constructs a new tablecontainer
TableContainer(TableModel) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.TableContainer
constructs a new tablecontainer
TableContainer(List<Object>, TableModel) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.TableContainer
constructs a new tablecontainer
TableRenderer - Class in com.groiss.gui.table
Class which renders tables
TableRenderer() - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.table.TableRenderer
TableRenderer(Table) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.table.TableRenderer
tableTarget - Variable in class com.groiss.gui.table.TableAdapter
Tabs - Class in com.groiss.gui.component
A component for tabs.
Tabs(List<Link>) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.Tabs
Construct a tab.
Tabs(List<Link>, int) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.Tabs
Tabs(List<Link>, int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.Tabs
Tabs(List<Link>, int, boolean, int) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.Tabs
Tabs(List<Link>, int, short, int) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.Tabs
Construct a tab.
TABS - Static variable in interface
The links in the worklist lead to a tabbed frame containing the forms, documents,notes, history, and process information
TABS_WITHOUT_FORMS - Static variable in interface
Detail links like in TABS, but forms are not shown in the tabbed view.
take(ActivityInstance) - Method in interface
Take an activity: move it from the role-worklist to the worklist.
take(ActivityInstance) - Method in interface
Take an activity: move it from the role-worklist to the worklist.
target - Variable in class com.groiss.accesscontrol.DNF
target - Variable in class com.groiss.accesscontrol.PermissionQuery
TASK - Static variable in interface
A task node.
Task - Interface in
A task is used to describe a manual task in a process definition.
TEMPLATE_HTML - Static variable in interface com.groiss.dms.FormType
template type is HTML
TEMPLATE_XFORMS - Static variable in interface com.groiss.dms.FormType
template type is XFORMS
TEMPLATE_XHTML - Static variable in interface com.groiss.dms.FormType
template type is XHTML
Test - Class in com.groiss.wfxml
WfXML test client.
testSet() - Method in class
text - Variable in class com.groiss.gui.component.Link
Text - Class in com.groiss.gui.component
A HTML span element.
Text() - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.Text
Constructs a new empty text component
Text(String) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.Text
Constructs a new empty text component
Text(String, String) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.Text
Constructor with id and containing text
Text(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.Text
Constructor with id and containing text
TEXT - Static variable in interface
Textarea - Class in com.groiss.gui.component
Textarea component is used to enter more than one line of text. it should be used in conjunction with the ROWS and COLS attributes to set the size of the textarea.
Textarea() - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.Textarea
constructs a new empty textarea
Textarea(String, int, int) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.Textarea
standard constructor
Textarea(String, int, int, String) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.Textarea
Textarea(String, int, int, String, String) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.Textarea
Textfield - Class in com.groiss.gui.component
The Textfield component is used for a single line text entry fields.
Textfield() - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.Textfield
Constructs a new empty Textfield component.
Textfield(String) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.Textfield
Textfield(String, int) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.Textfield
Textfield(String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.Textfield
Textfield(String, String) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.Textfield
Constructor with name and value.
Textfield(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.Textfield
Constructor with name and value.
Textfield(String, String, int, int) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.Textfield
Constructor with name, value maxlength and size
third - Variable in class com.groiss.ds.Triple
The third object.
thisYear() - Static method in class
Return the current year.
ThreadContext - Class in com.groiss.util
This class is designed to hold thread specific information which can then be requested anywhere in the code.
ThreadContext() - Constructor for class com.groiss.util.ThreadContext
ThreadLocal2<T> - Class in com.groiss.ds
Same as java.lang.ThreadLocal, plus monitoring utility
ThreadLocal2() - Constructor for class com.groiss.ds.ThreadLocal2
TimeInterval - Class in
TimeInterval() - Constructor for class
TimeManagement - Interface in com.groiss.timemgmt
Pluggable time management.
TimeManagementFactory - Class in com.groiss.timemgmt
Provide implementations of time management interface
timemodel - Variable in class
TimeModel - Interface in
This interface must be supported if another calculation of time intervals is desired
Note: a implementing class must support a constructor without parameters
TimerEntry - Interface in com.groiss.timer
The TimerEntry interface defines the properties of a timer entry.
timerException(TimerEntry, Persistent, String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.groiss.timer.TimerManager
This method is for exception handling in a timer task.
TimerManager - Class in com.groiss.timer
The timer manager is the service controlling the timer executions.
TimerManager() - Constructor for class com.groiss.timer.TimerManager
TimerTask - Interface in com.groiss.timer
A Task for the Timer.
title - Variable in class com.groiss.gui.table.TableAdapter
title - Variable in exception com.groiss.util.ApplicationException
tm - Variable in class com.groiss.gui.component.TableContainer
toAdd - Variable in class
toARFFString() - Method in class
Returns the ARFF representation of this attribute.
toArray() - Method in class com.groiss.ds.KeyedList
toArray(T[]) - Method in class com.groiss.ds.KeyedList
toArray(String, String) - Static method in class com.groiss.util.StringUtil
Splits the passed string using the passed delimiter and returns the trimmed parts as array.
toBeginDay(Date) - Static method in class
returns the date set to 00:00:00:00
toChangeSet(Collection<ActivityInstance>) - Static method in class com.groiss.smartclient.ClientUtil
Transform a collection of ActivityInstances to a suitable structure for ClientUtil.getChangesAsJSON(String, Set).
toContent(Collection<Object>) - Static method in class com.groiss.xml.XMLUtil
Transform a Collection of Objects to a (new) Collection of Content.
toEndDay(Date) - Static method in class
returns a date set to 23:59:59:999
toEnum(Class<T>, Object) - Static method in class
Maps a value to an instance of an Enum class
toggleClass(String, boolean) - Method in class com.groiss.gui.AbstractComponent
toggleClass(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.groiss.gui.Component
remove or add the given CSS class(es) from the list of existing CSS-classes depending on a condition
toHtml() - Method in class
toHtml() - Method in class
toHtml() - Method in class
toHtml() - Method in interface com.groiss.reporting.export.ReportingExportable
return type is either an implementation of Component or a String
toJson() - Method in class com.groiss.gui.NavigationNode
toJson() - Method in interface com.groiss.gui.NavigationTreeNode
Returns a json representation of this node.
toJson() - Method in class com.groiss.gui.table.ColumnDescription
toJson(boolean) - Method in class com.groiss.gui.table.ColumnDescription
toJSON(DMSDocForm) - Static method in class com.groiss.mail.MailFunctions
Returns the following JSON structure of given email object: {"_toString":"<the_toString_of_emailObj>", "objectId":"<classname_of_emailObj>:<oid>", "mailstatus":"mailqueued|draftmail|mailrec|mailsent", "subj":"<the_subj_of_emailObj>", ====> only, if field 'subj' in emailObj is given; otherwise the text '<No subject>' "sender":"<the_sender_emailAddr_of_emailObj>", ====> only, if field 'sender' in emailObj is given "recipient":"<the_recipient_emailAddr_of_emailObj>", ====> only, if field 'recipient' in emailObj is given "maildate":<sent_date_of_msg_in_ms>, "avwcreatedat":<creation_date_of_emailObj_in_ms>, "replytoid":"<reply_to_oid_of_msg>", "hasAttachments":true|false }
toJson() - Method in class
toJson() - Method in class
toJson(ReportingTableModel, Query) - Method in interface com.groiss.reporting.export.ChartType
toJson(Query, ReportingTableModel) - Method in interface com.groiss.reporting.export.ClientSideExporter
toJson(Query, ReportingTableModel) - Method in class com.groiss.reporting.export.DownloadExporter
toJson(Query, ReportingTableModel) - Method in class com.groiss.reporting.export.HTMLExporter
toJson() - Method in interface com.groiss.reporting.export.ReportingExportable
Export Data to Json (used in ep 9.0)
toJson(Persistent) - Static method in class
Convert a persistent to JSON
toJSON(Persistent) - Static method in class
toJsonAsReference(Persistent) - Static method in class
TokenRefreshTimer - Class in com.groiss.auth
Refreshes oauth tokens
TokenRefreshTimer() - Constructor for class com.groiss.auth.TokenRefreshTimer
toListString() - Method in interface
A string representation suitable for lists.
toListString() - Method in interface
Returns a special string representation of the object.
toListString() - Method in class
Returns a special string representation of the object.
toListString() - Method in class
toLocale(String) - Static method in class com.groiss.util.StringUtil
Get a Locale from a string.
toMap(Persistent) - Static method in class
Convert a persistent to a Map
toMapAsReference(Persistent) - Static method in class
toNative(String) - Static method in class
toNativeScript(String) - Static method in class
toolbarActions - Variable in class com.groiss.gui.table.TableAdapter
toolbarIcons - Variable in class com.groiss.gui.table.TableAdapter
toolbarShape - Variable in class com.groiss.gui.table.TableAdapter
toolbarTarget - Variable in class com.groiss.gui.table.TableAdapter
TooManyResultsException(int) - Constructor for exception
TopLevelException - Interface in com.groiss.util
Interface for exceptions where the message is directly presented to the user interface.
toPrettyString() - Method in class com.groiss.wfxml.WfXMLMessage
Returns the message as pretty String.
toString() - Method in class com.groiss.accesscontrol.DNF
toString() - Method in class com.groiss.accesscontrol.PermissionQuery
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class com.groiss.cluster.communication.Message
Return a String representation of this message.
toString() - Method in class com.groiss.component.Resource
toString() - Method in class com.groiss.ds.ComparablePair
toString() - Method in class com.groiss.ds.MultiMap
toString() - Method in class com.groiss.ds.OrderedMap
toString() - Method in class com.groiss.ds.Pair
toString() - Method in class com.groiss.ds.Tree
toString() - Method in class com.groiss.ds.Triple
toString() - Method in class com.groiss.ds.TwoLevelMap
toString() - Method in class com.groiss.event.BasicEvent
toString() - Method in class com.groiss.fileimport.Column
toString() - Method in class com.groiss.fileimport.csv.CSVColumn
toString() - Method in class com.groiss.fileimport.csv.CSVSettings
toString() - Method in class com.groiss.gui.AbstractComponent
Returns the classname followed by a colon and the title attribute.
toString() - Method in interface com.groiss.gui.Component
toString() - Method in class com.groiss.gui.table.CellValue
toString() - Method in class com.groiss.gui.table.ColumnDescription
toString() - Method in class com.groiss.gui.UserAgent
toString() - Method in class com.groiss.http.Client
Returns a string representation of the request that should be executed by this client.
toString() - Method in class com.groiss.http.ClientConfiguration
toString() - Method in class com.groiss.http.Parameter
toString() - Method in class com.groiss.ldap.DirectoryServer
toString() - Method in enum com.groiss.mail.MailFunctions.DefaultMailFunction
toString() - Method in class com.groiss.messaging.Recipient
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class com.groiss.notification.BasicNotificationItem
toString() - Method in class com.groiss.notification.NotificationEvent
Converts a NotificationEvent to a string representation.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
Constructs the appropriate expression depending on the value of getValue().
toString(Persistent) - Static method in class
Generates a String representation to identify a persistent object.
toString() - Method in class com.groiss.timer.ScheduleInfo
toString() - Method in class com.groiss.util.TransientWrapper
toString() - Method in enum
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class com.groiss.wfxml.Partner
toString() - Method in class com.groiss.wfxml.WfXMLMessage
Returns a String representation of the message.
toSubduct - Variable in class
toText() - Method in class
toText() - Method in class
toText() - Method in class
toText() - Method in class
returns the toString() of the value
toText() - Method in interface com.groiss.reporting.export.ReportingExportable
used for CSV/EXCEL/XML export...
trainSet() - Method in class
TrainTestSets - Class in
A simple container for the split result of a DataSet into a train and a test set.
TrainTestSets(DataSet, DataSet) - Constructor for class
A new instance holding the passed train and test set
transactionId - Variable in class
transformCase(DatabaseMetaData, String) - Static method in class
transformCase(String) - Static method in class
transformForSQL(String) - Static method in class com.groiss.util.StringUtil
Replaces '*' with '%' and '?'
TransientWrapper - Class in com.groiss.util
Provides a means to exclude serializable objects from serialization mechanisms by wrapping them.
TransientWrapper(Object) - Constructor for class com.groiss.util.TransientWrapper
Wrap an object.
transport - Variable in class com.groiss.wfxml.WfXMLMessage
Transport Element of the message (optional).
Tree<D> - Class in com.groiss.ds
Simple N-ary Tree structure.
Tree() - Constructor for class com.groiss.ds.Tree
Construct an empty Tree.
Tree(D) - Constructor for class com.groiss.ds.Tree
Construct a Tree with a single data element
Tree(D, List<Tree<D>>) - Constructor for class com.groiss.ds.Tree
Construct a Tree with a data element and a list of children.
treeName - Variable in class com.groiss.gui.HTMLTree
Triple<F,S,T> - Class in com.groiss.ds
A Triple is an object that contains three other objects.
Triple() - Constructor for class com.groiss.ds.Triple
Triple(F, S, T) - Constructor for class com.groiss.ds.Triple
Constructor for holding a pair of objects.
TRUST_ALL - Static variable in class com.groiss.ldap.LDAPUtils
Implicitly trusts all server certificates (no check).
TRUST_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.groiss.ldap.LDAPUtils
Use system default trust store for server certificate check.
TRUST_EP - Static variable in class com.groiss.ldap.LDAPUtils
Use @enterprise trust store for server certificate check.
TRUSTED - Static variable in class com.groiss.util.MailUtil
TwoLevelMap<K1,K2,V> - Class in com.groiss.ds
HashMap based two-level Map.
TwoLevelMap() - Constructor for class com.groiss.ds.TwoLevelMap
Constructs an empty TwoLevelMap.
TwoLevelMap(String) - Constructor for class com.groiss.ds.TwoLevelMap
Constructs an empty TwoLevelMap with the specified name.
TwoLevelMap(String, int) - Constructor for class com.groiss.ds.TwoLevelMap
Constructs an empty TwoLevelMap with the specified name and initial capacity.
TYPE - Static variable in interface com.groiss.dms.DMSTableHandler
key for the column holding the formtype of the DMSObject
TYPE_FATAL - Static variable in class com.groiss.wfxml.WfXMLException
TYPE_TEMP - Static variable in class com.groiss.wfxml.WfXMLException
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