public interface RemoteWfEngine extends Remote
Most methods have an implicit user parameter. This is initialized as the ThreadPrincipal from the ThreadContext when the WfEngine object is created.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static short |
static short |
static short |
static short |
static short |
static short |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
abort(ProcessInstance process)
Abort a process.
void |
abort(ProcessInstance process,
String comment)
Abort a process and add a DMSNote with a generated Subject and a given comment.
void |
abortParforSiblings(ActivityInstance parfor)
Abort the running siblings of the current parfor instances.
void |
abortSiblings(ActivityInstance join)
Abort the siblings of the par branch.
void |
addAgent(ActivityInstance ai,
Agent a,
OrgUnit ou,
DMSNote note)
Add an agent which receives the process after the current agent
int |
addParforInstances(String stepid,
ActivityInstance previous)
Start additional parfor branches for the given step.
void |
addSystemNote(ActivityInstance ai,
String subject,
String text)
Attach a note to an ActivityInstance.
void |
archive(ProcessInstance process)
Archive a process.
void |
canTake(ActivityInstance ai)
Check if the thread-user can take the activity.
ActivityInstance |
changeAgent(ActivityInstance ai,
Agent a,
OrgUnit ou,
String comment)
Give the activity instance to another agent.
void |
checkAbort(ProcessInstance process)
Check if the thread user may abort the process.
void |
closePredecessor(ActivityInstance ai)
If the predecessor of ai was not finished completely (is in status WAITING) and the necessary
action is done now (for example setting the agent for ai) this method will complete it.
ActivityInstance |
copyTo(ActivityInstance ai,
User u)
Send a copy to another user.
ActivityInstance |
copyTo(ActivityInstance ai,
User u,
String comment)
Send a copy to another user.
ProcessInstance |
createProcessInstance(ProcessDefinition p,
User u,
OrgUnit d,
Date duedate,
String id)
Create a process instance.
ProcessInstance |
createProcessInstance(ProcessDefinition p,
User u,
OrgUnit d,
Date duedate,
String id,
DMSForm f)
Create a process instance.
void |
filterByFolder(UserFolder uf,
List<ActivityInstance> ais)
Filter a list of ActivityInstances.
void |
finish(ActivityInstance ai)
Finsh an activity, the engine starts the next step.
void |
finishChoice(ActivityInstance ai)
Finishs a choice branch, abort the other branches.
List<ActivityInstance> |
getActiveTasks(ProcessInstance process)
Get the list of active activities of a process instance.
List<ActivityInstance> |
getActiveTasks(ProcessInstance process,
User u)
Get the list of active, interactive activities of a process instance assigned to a user.
List<ActivityInstance> |
getActivities(String condition)
Find the activity instances with a given condition.
ActivityInstance |
getActivityInstance(long oid)
Find a activity instance from the given oid.
List<ActivityInstance> |
getActivityInstances(ProcessInstance process)
Get the list of all direct activity instances of a process instance.
List<ActivityInstance> |
getActivityInstances(ProcessInstance process,
boolean recursive,
boolean active,
int type,
String steplabel)
Get a list of activity instances for a process instance
List<ActivityInstance> |
getActivityInstances(ProcessInstance process,
String steplabel)
Get the list of direct activity instances of a particular step in a process.
List<ActivityInstance> |
getAllCurrentActivityInstances(ProcessInstance process)
Get the list of ALL active activities of a process instance.
List<ActivityInstance> |
getAllInteractiveTasks(ProcessInstance process)
Get the list of ALL active, interactive activities of a process instance.
List<List<ActivityInstance>> |
getChoiceSteps(ActivityInstance ai)
Use this method to get the possible choice branches when the process execution
reaches a choice.
ActivityInstance |
Return the current activity instance.
List<DMSObject> |
getDocuments(ProcessInstance process)
Get the list of DMS objects (e.g. documents, folders) attached to a process.
Map<String,Short> |
getFieldModes(ActivityInstance ai,
DMSForm f)
Get field modes for form fields
Map<String,Short> |
getFieldModes(ActivityInstance ai,
DMSForm form,
DMSForm mainform,
String id)
Get field modes for form fields and subforms
<P extends DMSForm> |
getForm(ActivityInstance ai,
String id)
Get a form of a process.
List<DMSForm> |
getForms(ProcessInstance process)
Get the forms of a process.
PersistentVersion |
getFormVersion(DMSForm form,
ActivityInstance ai)
Returns the version of the passed form in the context of the passed activity instance.
ProcessInstance |
getMainProcess(ActivityInstance ai)
Get the root of the activity instance tree
List<DMSNote> |
getNotes(ProcessInstance process)
Get the notes to a process instances
ProcessInstance |
getParent(ActivityInstance ai)
Get the process instance of the given activity instance.
ProcessInstance |
getProcess(DMSForm f)
Find the process instance where the given form is attached.
ProcessInstance |
getProcess(long oid)
Find a process instance from the given oid.
ProcessInstance |
getProcess(String id)
Find a process instance with the given id.
ProcessDefinition |
getProcessDefinition(String id)
Find a process definition with the given id and status=active, if more than one
is found, the process definition with the highest version number is returned.
ProcessDefinition |
getProcessDefinition(String id,
int version)
Find a process definition with the given id and version.
List<ProcessInstance> |
getProcesses(String condition)
Find the process instances with a given condition.
ProcessInstance |
getProcessFromForm(long formoid)
Find a process instance from the oid of a form.
List<ActivityInstance> |
getRoleSuspensionList(Application a)
Get the role suspension list of the current user.
List<ActivityInstance> |
getRoleWorklist(Application a)
Get the role worklist of the current user.
String |
getServerProperty(String prop)
Returns a property from the server
List<Pair<ProcessDefinition,List<Pair<String,List<OrgUnit>>>>> |
getStartableProcDefs(Application appl)
List the process definitions of the given application, which are startable
for the user.
List<Pair<ProcessDefinition,List<OrgUnit>>> |
getStartableProcesses(Application appl)
use getStartableProcDefs
List<Pair<String,List<OrgUnit>>> |
getStartInfo(ProcessDefinition pd)
Returns the start info for the given process for the current thread user.
RemoteStore |
Return the underlying store.
List<ActivityInstance> |
getSuspensionList(Application a)
Get the personal suspension list of the current user.
List<Suspension> |
getSuspensions(ActivityInstance ai)
Find out when and how the activity instance was in the suspension list.
Task |
getTask(String id)
Find a task with the given id and status=active, if more than one
is found, the task with the highest version number is returned.
Task |
getTask(String id,
int version)
Find a task with the given id and version.
List<UserFolder> |
Get the list of UserFolders of the current user.
List<ActivityInstance> |
getWaitingList(Application a)
Get the list of waiting activities of the current user.
List<ActivityInstance> |
getWorklist(Application a,
boolean withRepr)
Get the worklist of the current user.
List<ActivityInstance> |
getWorkList(EnumSet<WorklistKind> wlKinds,
Application a)
Get a combined worklist of the combination (union) of the desired kinds for the current user.
List<ActivityInstance> |
getWorkList(WorklistKind wlKind,
Application a)
Get a worklist of the desired kind for the current user.
ActivityInstance |
goBack(ActivityInstance ai,
ActivityInstance ai2,
String comment)
Go back to a previous step.
void |
goBackToLastInteractive(ActivityInstance ai,
String comment) |
ActivityInstance |
gotoStep(ActivityInstance ai,
String steplabel,
Agent ag,
OrgUnit ou,
String comment)
Goto another step.
void |
gotoTask(ActivityInstance ai,
String stepname,
Agent ag,
OrgUnit ou,
String comment)
use gotoStep
void |
gotoTask(ProcessInstance process,
String taskid,
Agent ag,
String comment)
the method behaves unpredictabe when more than one activity instance of the process is
active and when the task appears more than once in the process definition. use gotoStep
boolean |
hasDocuments(ProcessInstance process)
Has the process documents attached?
boolean |
hasForm(ActivityInstance ai,
String id)
Check if the process has a form with given id.
boolean |
hasNotes(ProcessInstance process)
Has the process notes attached?
boolean |
hasSeen(ActivityInstance ai)
Returns true if the ActivityInstance has been seen by the current user.
boolean |
isVisible(ActivityInstance ai)
Determines whether an ActivityInstance is visible for the current user.
List<PersistentVersion> |
listFormVersions(ActivityInstance ai)
Returns a list of form versions (at most one for each process form) which were made in the context
of the passed activity instance.
List<ActivityInstance> |
listPredecessors(ActivityInstance ai)
Return the list of predecessor steps of an activity instance.
List<Pair<ActivityInstance,List<ActivityInstance>>> |
listPreviousSteps(ActivityInstance ai)
List the previous steps of the process (possible go back targets).
List<ProcessDefinition> |
listProcessDefinitions(Application appl)
List the process definitions of the given application
List<ActivityInstance> |
listSuccessors(ActivityInstance ai)
Return the list of successor steps of an activity instance.
ActivityInstance |
makeBranch(ProcessInstance process,
Task t,
Agent a,
OrgUnit d)
Insert a new step to the running process.
void |
makeBranch(ProcessInstance process,
Task t,
Agent a,
OrgUnit d,
List<String> forms)
use method without form argument
ActivityInstance |
makeVersion(ActivityInstance ai,
String desc,
boolean withDocs)
Versions the passed activity instance, the process forms and the documents
(optional) and returns a new activity instance which is a copy of the passed one.
Map<ActivityInstance,UserFolder> |
mapToUserFolders(List<ActivityInstance> ais)
Map a list of ActivityInstances to their corresponding UserFolders.
void |
propagateChange(ActivityInstance ai)
Inform the system that a change to an ActivityInstance has been made.
void |
propagateProcessChange(ProcessInstance pi)
Inform the system that a process instance has been changed.
void |
reactivate(ProcessInstance process)
Reactivate a process.
void |
reactivate(ProcessInstance process,
String comment)
Reactivate a process.
void |
reactivateAndTake(ProcessInstance process,
String comment)
Reactivate a process and take the reactivated tasks.
void |
refreshWLCache(User u)
Refresh the organizational data in the WorklistCache for
a particular user.
void |
Refresh the organizational data in the worklist cache.
void |
removeSeens(ActivityInstance ai,
boolean meToo)
Delete the seen information for the given ai.
void |
seeAgain(ActivityInstance ai)
Move the activity instance from the suspension list to the worklist.
void |
seeLater(ActivityInstance ai,
Date d)
Move the activity instance from the worklist to the suspension list.
void |
seeLater(ActivityInstance ai,
Date d,
String description)
Move the activity instance from the worklist to the suspension list.
void |
setAgent(ActivityInstance ai,
Agent a)
Give the activity instance to another agent.
void |
setCheckedOut(ActivityInstance ai,
boolean state)
Set the activityInstance as checcked out or in (i.e. is on mobile server)
void |
setContext(ActivityInstance ai) |
void |
setDescription(ActivityInstance ai,
String descr)
Set the description of an activity instance.
void |
setDuedate(ActivityInstance ai,
Date d)
Set the duedate of the activity instance.
void |
setFinished(ActivityInstance ai)
Set the status of the activity instance to FINISHED.
void |
setId(ProcessInstance pi,
String s)
Set the id of the process instance.
void |
setOrgUnit(ActivityInstance ai,
OrgUnit d)
Change the organizational unit of a process.
void |
setPriority(ProcessInstance pi,
int priority)
Set the priority of the process instance.
void |
setSeen(ActivityInstance ai,
boolean seen)
Set the given ActivityInstance to seen/unseen for the current user.
void |
setStepAgent(ActivityInstance ai,
Agent a)
Set the step-agent of the activity instance to another agent.
void |
setSubject(ProcessInstance process)
Set the subject of the process instance according to the definition in the
process definition.
void |
setSubjectToString(ProcessInstance process,
String str)
Set the subject of the process instance o the given string value.
void |
start(ProcessInstance pi)
Start a process instance, which was previously created, but not started.
void |
startBranch(ProcessInstance process,
String branchid)
Start a branch.
ProcessInstance |
startProcess(ProcessDefinition p,
User u,
OrgUnit d,
Date duedate,
String id)
Start a process.
ProcessInstance |
startProcess(ProcessDefinition p,
User u,
OrgUnit d,
Date duedate,
String id,
DMSForm f)
Start a process.
ActivityInstance |
take(ActivityInstance ai)
Take an activity: move it from the role-worklist to the worklist.
ActivityInstance |
untake(ActivityInstance ai)
Put back an activity: move it from the worklist to the role-worklist.
void |
updateForm(DMSForm f)
Update the form (make the changes persistent).
static final short INVISIBLE
static final short READ_ONLY
static final short READ_WRITE
static final short TEXT
static final short MUST
static final short NO_ADDDEL
RemoteStore getStore() throws RemoteException
ProcessDefinition getProcessDefinition(String id) throws RemoteException
- the id of the processRemoteException
ProcessDefinition getProcessDefinition(String id, int version) throws RemoteException
- the id of the processversion
- the version of the processRemoteException
List<ProcessDefinition> listProcessDefinitions(Application appl) throws RemoteException
- the applicationRemoteException
@Deprecated List<Pair<ProcessDefinition,List<OrgUnit>>> getStartableProcesses(Application appl) throws RemoteException
List<Pair<ProcessDefinition,List<Pair<String,List<OrgUnit>>>>> getStartableProcDefs(Application appl) throws RemoteException
- optional application restrictionRemoteException
List<Pair<String,List<OrgUnit>>> getStartInfo(ProcessDefinition pd) throws RemoteException
- a process definitionRemoteException
Task getTask(String id) throws RemoteException
- the id of the taskRemoteException
Task getTask(String id, int version) throws RemoteException
- the id of the taskversion
- the version of the taskRemoteException
ProcessInstance startProcess(ProcessDefinition p, User u, OrgUnit d, Date duedate, String id) throws RemoteException
- the process definitionu
- the userd
- the org. unitduedate
- the duedateid
- the id of the process instanceRemoteException
ProcessInstance startProcess(ProcessDefinition p, User u, OrgUnit d, Date duedate, String id, DMSForm f) throws RemoteException
- the process definitionu
- the userd
- the org. unitduedate
- the duedateid
- the id of the process instancef
- a formRemoteException
ProcessInstance createProcessInstance(ProcessDefinition p, User u, OrgUnit d, Date duedate, String id) throws RemoteException
- the process definitionu
- the userd
- the org. unitduedate
- the duedateid
- the id of the process instanceRemoteException
ProcessInstance createProcessInstance(ProcessDefinition p, User u, OrgUnit d, Date duedate, String id, DMSForm f) throws RemoteException
- the process definitionu
- the userd
- the org. unitduedate
- the duedateid
- the id of the process instancef
- a formRemoteException
void start(ProcessInstance pi) throws RemoteException
- the process instance to startRemoteException
List<ActivityInstance> getWorklist(Application a, boolean withRepr) throws RemoteException
- the application, if null return work items for all applicationswithRepr
- if true add the work items assigned to persons the user substitutes.RemoteException
List<ActivityInstance> getWaitingList(Application a) throws RemoteException
- the application, if null return waiting items for all applicationsRemoteException
List<ActivityInstance> getRoleWorklist(Application a) throws RemoteException
- the application, if null return work items for all applicationsRemoteException
List<ActivityInstance> getSuspensionList(Application a) throws RemoteException
- the application, if null return work items for all applicationsRemoteException
List<ActivityInstance> getRoleSuspensionList(Application a) throws RemoteException
- the application, if null return work items for all applicationsRemoteException
List<ActivityInstance> getWorkList(WorklistKind wlKind, Application a) throws RemoteException
- the kind of worklist to be returneda
- the application, if null return work items for all applicationsRemoteException
List<ActivityInstance> getWorkList(EnumSet<WorklistKind> wlKinds, Application a) throws RemoteException
- the kinds of worklists to be returneda
- the application, if null return work items for all applicationsRemoteException
boolean isVisible(ActivityInstance ai) throws RemoteException
- RemoteException
ProcessInstance getProcess(String id) throws RemoteException
- the process instance idRemoteException
ProcessInstance getProcess(long oid) throws RemoteException
- the process instance oidRemoteException
ProcessInstance getProcessFromForm(long formoid) throws RemoteException
- the oid of a process formRemoteException
ActivityInstance getActivityInstance(long oid) throws RemoteException
- the activity instance oidRemoteException
ProcessInstance getProcess(DMSForm f) throws RemoteException
- the formRemoteException
List<ProcessInstance> getProcesses(String condition) throws RemoteException
- a SQL where clauseRemoteException
List<ActivityInstance> getActivities(String condition) throws RemoteException
- a SQL where clauseRemoteException
List<ActivityInstance> getAllCurrentActivityInstances(ProcessInstance process) throws RemoteException
), as well as all longrunning activity instances
[Type in (ActivityInstance.SYSTEM_WAIT
, ActivityInstance.BATCH
, ActivityInstance.WS_INVOKE
, ActivityInstance.WS_RECEIVE
, ActivityInstance.WAIT
s of the given ProcessInstance
even ALL children of ActivityInstance.PROCESS
and ActivityInstance.SCOPE
will be returnedprocess
- the process instanceRemoteException
List<ActivityInstance> getAllInteractiveTasks(ProcessInstance process) throws RemoteException
s of the given ProcessInstance
even ALL children of ActivityInstance.PROCESS
and ActivityInstance.SCOPE
will be returnedprocess
- the process instanceRemoteException
List<ActivityInstance> getActiveTasks(ProcessInstance process) throws RemoteException
but doesn't return ALL ActivityInstance
s of the given ProcessInstance
children of ActivityInstance.PROCESS
, ActivityInstance.PARFOR
and ActivityInstance.SCOPE
will not be returnedprocess
- the process instanceRemoteException
List<ActivityInstance> getActiveTasks(ProcessInstance process, User u) throws RemoteException
s of the given ProcessInstance
but doesn't return ALL interactive ActivityInstance
s of the given ProcessInstance
children of ActivityInstance.PROCESS
, ActivityInstance.PARFOR
and ActivityInstance.SCOPE
will not be returnedu
- the userprocess
- the process instanceRemoteException
List<ActivityInstance> getActivityInstances(ProcessInstance process) throws RemoteException
s of the given ProcessInstance
children of ActivityInstance.PROCESS
, ActivityInstance.PARFOR
and ActivityInstance.SCOPE
will not be returnedprocess
- the process instanceRemoteException
List<ActivityInstance> getActivityInstances(ProcessInstance process, String steplabel) throws RemoteException
s of the given ProcessInstance
children of ActivityInstance.PROCESS
, ActivityInstance.PARFOR
and ActivityInstance.SCOPE
will not be returnedprocess
- the process instancesteplabel
- the label of the stepRemoteException
List<ActivityInstance> getActivityInstances(ProcessInstance process, boolean recursive, boolean active, int type, String steplabel) throws RemoteException
- the process instancerecursive
- if true, also nested activity instances will be returnedactive
- if true, only active activity instances will be returnedtype
- of activity instances to return, if all types should be returned, use ActivityInstance.ALL
- restrict the results by label of the step, use null if no restriction intendedRemoteException
List<DMSObject> getDocuments(ProcessInstance process) throws RemoteException
- the process instanceDMSObject
<P extends DMSForm> P getForm(ActivityInstance ai, String id) throws RemoteException
- the process instance or an activity instance of the processid
- the id of the form in the processRemoteException
boolean hasForm(ActivityInstance ai, String id) throws RemoteException
- the process instance or an activity instance of the processid
- the id of the form in the processRemoteException
List<DMSForm> getForms(ProcessInstance process) throws RemoteException
- the process instanceRemoteException
ProcessInstance getMainProcess(ActivityInstance ai) throws RemoteException
- an activity instanceRemoteException
ProcessInstance getParent(ActivityInstance ai) throws RemoteException
- an activity instanceRemoteException
List<DMSNote> getNotes(ProcessInstance process) throws RemoteException
- a process instanceRemoteException
boolean hasDocuments(ProcessInstance process) throws RemoteException
- a process instanceRemoteException
boolean hasNotes(ProcessInstance process) throws RemoteException
- a process instanceRemoteException
Map<String,Short> getFieldModes(ActivityInstance ai, DMSForm f) throws RemoteException
- an activity instancef
- the formRemoteException
Map<String,Short> getFieldModes(ActivityInstance ai, DMSForm form, DMSForm mainform, String id) throws RemoteException
- activity instanceform
- form or sub form, may be null if mainform is setmainform
- main form, may be null if form is already contain mainformid
- subform relation idRemoteException
List<Suspension> getSuspensions(ActivityInstance ai) throws RemoteException
- Suspension
void canTake(ActivityInstance ai) throws RemoteException
- an activity instanceRemoteException
ActivityInstance take(ActivityInstance ai) throws RemoteException
- an activity instance that is created after the take operation;RemoteException
void finish(ActivityInstance ai) throws RemoteException
- an activity instanceRemoteException
List<List<ActivityInstance>> getChoiceSteps(ActivityInstance ai) throws RemoteException
- RemoteException
void finishChoice(ActivityInstance ai) throws RemoteException
- the choice step on the branch you want to followsRemoteException
void closePredecessor(ActivityInstance ai) throws RemoteException
- RemoteException
List<Pair<ActivityInstance,List<ActivityInstance>>> listPreviousSteps(ActivityInstance ai) throws RemoteException
- current activity instanceRemoteException
ActivityInstance goBack(ActivityInstance ai, ActivityInstance ai2, String comment) throws RemoteException
- an activity instanceai2
- a finished activity instancecomment
- a commentRemoteException
ActivityInstance untake(ActivityInstance ai) throws RemoteException
- an activity instance that is created before the untake operation;RemoteException
void seeLater(ActivityInstance ai, Date d) throws RemoteException
- an activity instanced
- the date, when the item should reappear in the worklistRemoteException
void seeLater(ActivityInstance ai, Date d, String description) throws RemoteException
- an activity instanced
- the date, when the item should reappear in the worklistdescription
- an optional commentRemoteException
void seeAgain(ActivityInstance ai) throws RemoteException
- an activity instanceRemoteException
void setAgent(ActivityInstance ai, Agent a) throws RemoteException
- an activity instancea
- an agent (user or role)RemoteException
ActivityInstance changeAgent(ActivityInstance ai, Agent a, OrgUnit ou, String comment) throws RemoteException
- an activity instancea
- an agent (user or role)ou
- an org-unit, may be nullcomment
- optional comment to the next agentRemoteException
void setStepAgent(ActivityInstance ai, Agent a) throws RemoteException
- an activity instancea
- an agent (user or role)RemoteException
@Deprecated void gotoTask(ProcessInstance process, String taskid, Agent ag, String comment) throws RemoteException
- an processinstance instancetaskid
- id of a taskag
- an agent (user or role)comment
- a comment stringRemoteException
@Deprecated void gotoTask(ActivityInstance ai, String stepname, Agent ag, OrgUnit ou, String comment) throws RemoteException
- an activity instancestepname
- the name of a step to jump to, set the name in the process definition (editor or WDL).ag
- an agent (user or role), may be nullou
- the org.unit (may be null)comment
- a comment stringRemoteException
ActivityInstance gotoStep(ActivityInstance ai, String steplabel, Agent ag, OrgUnit ou, String comment) throws RemoteException
- an activity instancesteplabel
- the label of a step to jump to, set the label in the process definition (editor or WDL).ag
- an agent (user or role), may be null. Will be ignored if the specified step is not a taskou
- the org.unit (may be null). Will be ignored if the specified step is not a taskcomment
- a comment stringRemoteException
ActivityInstance copyTo(ActivityInstance ai, User u) throws RemoteException
- an activity instanceu
- a userRemoteException
ActivityInstance copyTo(ActivityInstance ai, User u, String comment) throws RemoteException
- an activity instanceu
- a usercomment
- a comment to this copyRemoteException
@Deprecated void makeBranch(ProcessInstance process, Task t, Agent a, OrgUnit d, List<String> forms) throws RemoteException
ActivityInstance makeBranch(ProcessInstance process, Task t, Agent a, OrgUnit d) throws RemoteException
- instance of the processt
- a task assigned to the processa
- a user or roled
- an optional departmentRemoteException
void startBranch(ProcessInstance process, String branchid) throws RemoteException
- process instancebranchid
- the step-id of the branch step.RemoteException
int addParforInstances(String stepid, ActivityInstance previous) throws RemoteException
- the id of the parfor stepprevious
- an activity instance of the same process instanceRemoteException
void setOrgUnit(ActivityInstance ai, OrgUnit d) throws RemoteException
- an activity instanced
- the OrgUnitRemoteException
void setDescription(ActivityInstance ai, String descr) throws RemoteException
- an activity instancedescr
- the new desriptionRemoteException
void setSubject(ProcessInstance process) throws RemoteException
- the process instanceRemoteException
void setSubjectToString(ProcessInstance process, String str) throws RemoteException
- the process instancestr
- the new subjectRemoteException
void updateForm(DMSForm f) throws RemoteException
- the formRemoteException
void setDuedate(ActivityInstance ai, Date d) throws RemoteException
- an activity instanced
- the new due dateRemoteException
void setId(ProcessInstance pi, String s) throws RemoteException
- a process instances
- the new idRemoteException
void setPriority(ProcessInstance pi, int priority) throws RemoteException
- a process instance. The priority is set on the main process instance mpi of pi (and on subprocesses of mpi).priority
- the new priority, two digit integer, starting with 0 (means lowest priority).RemoteException
void abort(ProcessInstance process) throws RemoteException
- the process instance. Should be a main Process, may be an ActivityInstance in a branch.RemoteException
void reactivate(ProcessInstance process) throws RemoteException
- the process instance. Should be a main process.RemoteException
void archive(ProcessInstance process) throws RemoteException
- the process instanceRemoteException
void checkAbort(ProcessInstance process) throws RemoteException
void abort(ProcessInstance process, String comment) throws RemoteException
- the process instance. Should be a main Process, may be an ActivityInstance in a branch.comment
- a comment, why the process is abortedRemoteException
void reactivate(ProcessInstance process, String comment) throws RemoteException
- the process instance. Should be a main Process.comment
- a comment, why the process is reactivatedRemoteException
void reactivateAndTake(ProcessInstance process, String comment) throws RemoteException
- the process instance. Should be a main Process.comment
- a comment, why the process is reactivatedRemoteException
ActivityInstance getContext() throws RemoteException
void setContext(ActivityInstance ai) throws RemoteException
String getServerProperty(String prop) throws RemoteException
List<ActivityInstance> listSuccessors(ActivityInstance ai) throws RemoteException
List<ActivityInstance> listPredecessors(ActivityInstance ai) throws RemoteException
void addAgent(ActivityInstance ai, Agent a, OrgUnit ou, DMSNote note) throws RemoteException
- the activity instancea
- a user or roleou
- an organizational unit, if null the ou of the previous activity instance is usednote
- an (optional) note to the agent of the activityRemoteException
void setCheckedOut(ActivityInstance ai, boolean state) throws RemoteException
- if true we check it outai
- the activity instanceRemoteException
void goBackToLastInteractive(ActivityInstance ai, String comment) throws RemoteException
ActivityInstance makeVersion(ActivityInstance ai, String desc, boolean withDocs) throws RemoteException
- the activity instance to versiondesc
- a comment for this versionwithDocs
- if true all the documents are also versionedRemoteException
void refreshWLCacheOrgData() throws RemoteException
void refreshWLCache(User u) throws RemoteException
- - the userRemoteException
void setFinished(ActivityInstance ai) throws RemoteException
- the activity instance to be finishedRemoteException
void abortSiblings(ActivityInstance join) throws RemoteException
- RemoteException
void abortParforSiblings(ActivityInstance parfor) throws RemoteException
- an instance of the parfor step (a parent of an activityinstance inside the parfor)RemoteException
void setSeen(ActivityInstance ai, boolean seen) throws RemoteException
void removeSeens(ActivityInstance ai, boolean meToo) throws RemoteException
- an activity instancemeToo
- if true the seen information for the current user is also deleted.RemoteException
boolean hasSeen(ActivityInstance ai) throws RemoteException
PersistentVersion getFormVersion(DMSForm form, ActivityInstance ai) throws RemoteException
- the form which version is wantedai
- the activity instance determining the context of the versionRemoteException
List<PersistentVersion> listFormVersions(ActivityInstance ai) throws RemoteException
- the activity instance determining the context of the versionsRemoteException
void addSystemNote(ActivityInstance ai, String subject, String text) throws RemoteException
- the activity instance (or process instance) to which the note is attachedsubject
- the system note subjecttext
- the system note textRemoteException
- Exception is thrown if the system note could not be created or attached to the given activity instancevoid propagateChange(ActivityInstance ai) throws RemoteException
This is only needed in special cases, when there were changes in some data that would lead to a different presentation of the ActivityInstance in a client and which where out of the scope of the automatic worklist change detection (e.g. redisplay a worklist item after some form update).
- the activity instance which has changedRemoteException
void propagateProcessChange(ProcessInstance pi) throws RemoteException
This is only needed in special cases, when there were changes in some data that would lead to different presentations in the worklists and which where out of the scope of the automatic worklist change detection (e.g. changes in displayed additional data).
- the process instance which has changedRemoteException
List<UserFolder> getUserFolders() throws RemoteException
Map<ActivityInstance,UserFolder> mapToUserFolders(List<ActivityInstance> ais) throws RemoteException
- the list of activityInstances to be filteredRemoteException
void filterByFolder(UserFolder uf, List<ActivityInstance> ais) throws RemoteException
- the UserFolder to filter upon.ais
- the list of ActivityInstances to be filteredRemoteException
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