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JavascriptLoader - Class in com.groiss.gui
This class is responsible for sending the javascript files to the browser.
JavascriptLoader() - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.JavascriptLoader
Jcrypt - Class in com.groiss.util
Java implementation of the unix crypt command.
jdom - Variable in class com.groiss.fileimport.Column
join(String, String) - Method in class
Expression in andjoin for implementing generalized andjoin.
JsonComparator - Class in com.groiss.ds
Compares json objects according to the passed attributes.
JsonComparator(String) - Constructor for class com.groiss.ds.JsonComparator
Creates a new comparator object to sort according to the passed attributes
JsonComparator(String[]) - Constructor for class com.groiss.ds.JsonComparator
Creates a new comparator object to sort according to the passed attributes
JsonData - Interface in com.groiss.smartclient
enables data to be loaded via JsonLoader models have to implement this interface it's recommended to implement JsonDataAdapter instead
JsonDataAdapter<T> - Class in com.groiss.smartclient
JsonDataAdapter() - Constructor for class com.groiss.smartclient.JsonDataAdapter
jsonHolidays(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.groiss.gui.WebUtils
Returns holidays for the date picker in JSON format.
jsonObjectSelect(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class com.groiss.gui.WebUtils
Performs the search using the criteria, specified as request parameters, and returns the JSON-encoded page with the content of found entries.
JSONPage - Class in com.groiss.gui
Implementation of the Page, that is used to send a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) content back to the browser.
JSONPage(Object) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.JSONPage
Initializes an instance of this class using the final content in JSON form.
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