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DAILY - Static variable in interface
data - Variable in class com.groiss.ds.ObjectTableModel
data - Variable in class com.groiss.ds.Tree
DATABASE_FIELD - Static variable in interface com.groiss.dms.FormField
Database field.
dataChanged(TableModel) - Method in class com.groiss.gui.component.TableContainer
builds the tree in a new order (moveRow)
DataRow - Interface in
A class representing result rows from XStores.
DataSet - Interface in
Interface representing a list of instances used for learning and/or evaluation.
DATE - Static variable in class
Date format as set in the configuration
DATE_FORMATS - Static variable in interface
DATE_OPERATORS - Static variable in class com.groiss.reporting.Query
DATE_TIME - Static variable in class
Date and time format as set in the configuration
DATE_TIME_SEC - Static variable in class
date format : yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
DATE_TIME_SEC_DIGITS - Static variable in class
date format : yyyyMMddHHmmss
DATE_TIME_WITHOUT_ZONE - Static variable in class
CalUtil.DATE_TIME without zone info
dateAdd(Timestamp, double) - Static method in class com.groiss.util.DBExtender
DateAttribute - Class in
Attribute representing a date value.
DateAttribute(String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new DateAttribute.
dateformat - Variable in class
DateReportingData - Class in
DateReportingData(Entity, Attribute) - Constructor for class
DateReportingData() - Constructor for class
DateReportingData(Date, String) - Constructor for class
DateReportingData(Date, String, boolean) - Constructor for class
dateToWfXMLDate(Date) - Static method in class com.groiss.wfxml.WfXML
Transforms a date to a WfXML date (like specified in the WfXML specification).
dateToWfXMLDate(Date) - Static method in class com.groiss.wfxml.WfXML2
Transforms a date to a WfXML date (like specified in the WfXML specification).
DAYS - Static variable in class
dbAttrPos(Persistent, String) - Static method in class
dbAttrs(Persistent, String) - Static method in class
dbAttrs(Persistent) - Static method in class
dbAttrsCount(Persistent) - Static method in class
DBConnPool - Class in
This class maintains a pool of database connections.
DBConnPool() - Constructor for class
DBExtender - Class in com.groiss.util
DBExtender() - Constructor for class com.groiss.util.DBExtender
dbFields() - Method in interface
This method must return the persistent fields of this persistent object.
dbFields() - Method in class
Returns the persistent fields of this object in a List containing java.lang.reflect.Field objects.
dbFields(Persistent) - Static method in class
Returns the fields of the object which have corresponding fields in the database.
dbMultiValuedFields(Persistent) - Static method in class
Returns the multivalued fields (Lists, Maps, Sets) of the object which have corresponding fields in the database.
decode(String) - Static method in class com.groiss.util.Base64
Decodes a BASE-64 encoded stream to recover the original data.
decodeText(String) - Static method in class com.groiss.util.MailUtil
Decodes the given encoded text (e.g. mail subjects).
decodeURL(String) - Static method in class com.groiss.util.StringUtil
DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.groiss.gui.AbstractComponent
some browser modes
DEFAULT - Static variable in interface
The default application oid.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class
The default application.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class
The default organization tree.
DEFAULT - Static variable in interface
The default tree
DEFAULT_CHARSET - Static variable in class com.groiss.http.Client
the default characters set to be used if not other is specified
DEFAULT_TYPE - Static variable in class com.groiss.cluster.communication.Message
defaultAction - Variable in class com.groiss.gui.table.TableAdapter
DefaultApplicationAdapter - Class in
Default implementation for ApplicationAdapter
DefaultApplicationAdapter() - Constructor for class
DefaultErrorFormatter - Class in com.groiss.gui
This class is responsible for showing the error page.
DefaultErrorFormatter() - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.DefaultErrorFormatter
defaultLocale - Variable in class com.groiss.component.Resource
DefaultReportingData - Class in
DefaultReportingData(Entity, Attribute) - Constructor for class
DefaultReportingData() - Constructor for class
DefaultResource - Class in com.groiss.component
Provides static methods for accessing the default resource.
DefaultResource() - Constructor for class com.groiss.component.DefaultResource
defaultTarget - Variable in class com.groiss.gui.HTMLTree
DefaultTimeManagementImpl - Class in com.groiss.timemgmt
Default implementation computes process and task due dates based on process and task durations.
DefaultTimeManagementImpl() - Constructor for class com.groiss.timemgmt.DefaultTimeManagementImpl
DefinedEnum - Interface in
Provides associate a fixed value to each instance of an Enum.
definedValue() - Method in enum com.groiss.dms.DMSNote.Type
definedValue() - Method in enum com.groiss.messaging.Recipient.AgentType
definedValue() - Method in interface
Get the fixed value for this DefinedEnum.
definedValue() - Method in enum
definedValue() - Method in enum
delete(DMSFolder, DMSObject) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.DMS
Deletes the object o which resides in folder f.
DELETE - Static variable in interface com.groiss.dms.DMSTableHandler
key for the action 'Delete'
DELETE - Static variable in class com.groiss.dms.FormContext
The form will be deleted.
delete(String, DMSObject) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.IStore
Deletes the content identified by id from the storage of the DMS.
delete(DMSFolder, DMSObject) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.RemoteDMS
Deletes the object o which resides in folder f.
delete(String, Parameter...) - Method in class com.groiss.http.Client
Executes a DELETE request on the passed url using the passed parameters
delete(String, Object, Parameter...) - Method in class com.groiss.http.Client
Executes a DELETE request on the passed url using the passed payload and parameters
DELETE - Static variable in class com.groiss.notification.Names
Event type that represents a deletion (e.g.
DELETE - Static variable in interface
Identifies change as delete.
delete(Persistent) - Method in interface
Delete the object including right check.
DELETE - Static variable in class
The right to delete objects.
delete(Persistent) - Method in interface
Delete the object including right check.
DELETE - Static variable in interface
The oid for right delete.
delete(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.groiss.smartclient.ObjectSelectProvider
delete(T, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.groiss.smartclient.ObjectSelectProvider
delete(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.groiss.smartclient.ReadWriteJsonData
delete(Persistent) - Method in interface
Deletes the object from the database.
delete(Collection<?>) - Method in interface
Deletes the objects of the collection from the database.
delete(Class<?>, String, Object...) - Method in interface
Deletes some objects from the database.
delete(String, String, Object...) - Method in interface
Deletes some objects from the database.
delete(Persistent) - Method in interface
Deletes the object from the database.
delete(Collection<?>) - Method in interface
Deletes the objects of the collection from the database.
delete(Class<?>, String, Object...) - Method in interface
Deletes some objects from the database.
delete(String, String, Object...) - Method in interface
Deletes some objects from the database.
DELETE_INSERT - Static variable in class com.groiss.notification.Names
Event type that represents an update what should be propagated as distinct delete and insert events for the sake of client notification (e.g. when a stepinstance is transferred to another worklist like userfolder changes).
deleteCascade(OrgUnit) - Method in interface
Delete the passed organizational unit and also objects which are of no use without it.
deleteCascade(OrgUnit) - Method in interface
Delete the passed organizational unit and also objects which are of no use without it.
deleteDir(String) - Static method in class com.groiss.util.FileUtil
Deletes the directory with the given path.
deleteDir(File) - Static method in class com.groiss.util.FileUtil
Deletes the passed directory and all its subdirectories (and so on).
deleteFilter(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.groiss.gui.table.TableRenderer
deleteNodeCookie(HttpServletResponse) - Static method in class
deleteObjectExtension(Persistent, String) - Method in interface
delete the object extension for the given object.
deleteObjectExtension(Persistent, String) - Method in interface
delete the object extension for the given object.
deleteOption(String, String) - Method in class com.groiss.gui.component.SelectList
use method with one argument
deleteOption(String) - Method in class com.groiss.gui.component.SelectList
Removes the specified option, if it can be identified, from the dropdownlist.
deleteOption(int) - Method in class com.groiss.gui.component.SelectList
Removes the specified option, if it can be identified, from the dropdownlist.
deleteProcessDefinition(ProcessDefinition) - Method in class com.groiss.planning.PlanTimeMgmt
deleteProcessDefinition(ProcessDefinition) - Method in class com.groiss.timemgmt.DefaultTimeManagementImpl
deleteProcessDefinition(ProcessDefinition) - Method in interface com.groiss.timemgmt.TimeManagement
If something is to do when process definitions are deleted (clean up).
deleteSubtree(DirContext) - Static method in class com.groiss.ldap.LDAPUtils
Recursivly delete a subtree in the LDAP-Server
deleteTimeInfoUntil(Calendar, int) - Static method in class
Set the time information to 0 starting at the given field, for example hour
deleteVersion(PersistentVersion) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.DMS
Deletes the passed version of an object.
deleteVersion(PersistentVersion) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.RemoteDMS
Deletes the passed version of an object.
deleteVersions(DMSForm) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.DMS
Deletes all versions of the passed form.
deleteVersions(DMSForm) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.RemoteDMS
Deletes all versions of the passed form.
delimiter - Variable in class com.groiss.reporting.export.DelimiterSeperatedValuesExporter
DelimiterSeperatedValuesExporter - Class in com.groiss.reporting.export
DelimiterSeperatedValuesExporter() - Constructor for class com.groiss.reporting.export.DelimiterSeperatedValuesExporter
demansch(String) - Static method in class com.groiss.component.Configuration
DEPENDENT_TREE - Static variable in interface
The tree of the independent dept and the dependent sub-depts
dept - Variable in class com.groiss.notification.NotificationEvent
DEPT - Static variable in class
The dept role.
DEPT - Static variable in interface
Scope is the given department or the department of the object
DEPT - Static variable in interface
The dept role.
deRegisterHandler(Handler, String) - Static method in class com.groiss.cluster.communication.Connector
Removes a handler for receiving cluster messages.
deRegisterHandler(Handler) - Static method in class com.groiss.cluster.communication.Connector
Removes a handler for receiving cluster messages.
DESC - Static variable in class com.groiss.wfxml.GetPIDataMessage
DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface com.groiss.dms.DMSWebLink
Defines the name of the field holding the describtion of this weblink.
deserialize(Column, Object) - Method in interface com.groiss.fileimport.Deserializer
Deserializer - Interface in com.groiss.fileimport
used for userdefined object deserialization while importing
deserializers - Variable in class com.groiss.fileimport.StructuredFileSettings
destroy() - Method in class com.groiss.servlet.EPFilter
destroy() - Method in class com.groiss.servlet.EPTopFilter
DialogConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.groiss.smartclient.ClientUtil.DialogConfiguration
DirectoryServer - Class in com.groiss.ldap
Persistance class for Directory Servers
DirectoryServer() - Constructor for class com.groiss.ldap.DirectoryServer
DirectorySyncer - Interface in com.groiss.ldap
Provides a method to synchronize between a LDAP Server and @enterprise.
disableNotification() - Static method in class com.groiss.notification.NotificationSuite
Disables sending of notification for this transaction Default is enabled.
disableRightChecks() - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.DMS
since ep10, will be removed in ep11 Use PersistentAspect.add(PersistentAspect...) with PersistentAspect.ALL_PERMISSIONS as parameter instead to disable any permission check. If you use the following code pattern you do not need to care about removing the added aspect on your own:
 try (AutoCloseablePersistentAspect acpa = PersistentAspect.add(PersistentAspect.ALL_PERMISSIONS)) {
    //do your DMS related unchecked stuff
disableRightChecks() - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.RemoteDMS
since ep10, will be removed in ep11 Use PersistentAspect.add(PersistentAspect...) with PersistentAspect.ALL_PERMISSIONS as parameter instead to disable any permission check. If you use the following code pattern you do not need to care about removing the added aspect on your own:
 try (AutoCloseablePersistentAspect acpa = PersistentAspect.add(PersistentAspect.ALL_PERMISSIONS)) {
    //do your DMS related unchecked stuff
Dispatcher - Class in com.groiss.servlet
This servlet calls methods via reflection.
Dispatcher() - Constructor for class com.groiss.servlet.Dispatcher
displayFields - Variable in class com.groiss.smartclient.ObjectSelectProvider
DivComponent - Class in com.groiss.gui.component
A HTML div element.
DivComponent() - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.DivComponent
Constructs a new div.
DivComponent(String) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.DivComponent
Constructs a new div with id.
DivComponent(String, Object) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.DivComponent
DivComponent(String, Object, String) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.DivComponent
DMS - Interface in com.groiss.dms
Utility class for DMS related operations.
DMS.AddOption - Enum in com.groiss.dms
Options for adding a document to a folder.
DMS.FormTypes - Class in com.groiss.dms
Predefined form types.
DMSArchiver - Interface in com.groiss.dms
Interface for archiving documents.
DMSDocForm - Interface in com.groiss.dms
The base interface for all documents with meta data in @enterprise DMS
DMSFILTERATT - Static variable in class com.groiss.wfxml.WfXML2
DMSFolder - Interface in com.groiss.dms
This interface represents a folder containing DMSObjects.
DMSFolderForm - Interface in com.groiss.dms
base interface for all form-based DMS folders
DMSForm - Interface in com.groiss.dms
The base interface for all forms in @enterprise DMS
DMSLink - Interface in com.groiss.dms
The base interface for all links in @enterprise DMS
DMSNote - Interface in com.groiss.dms
The base interface for all notes in @enterprise DMS
DMSNote.Type - Enum in com.groiss.dms
Defines the various types of a note
DMSObject - Interface in com.groiss.dms
DMSTableAdapter - Class in com.groiss.dms
since ep 10.0, implement interface DMSTableHandler directly which provides default implementations now
DMSTableAdapter() - Constructor for class com.groiss.dms.DMSTableAdapter
DMSTableHandler - Interface in com.groiss.dms
DMSUtil - Class in com.groiss.dms.html
Utility class containing methods for customizing web interfaces of the document management.
DMSWebLink - Interface in com.groiss.dms
The base interface for all Weblinks in @enterprise DMS
DNF - Class in com.groiss.accesscontrol
Disjunctive normal form.
DNF(boolean) - Constructor for class com.groiss.accesscontrol.DNF
dnf with a given value
DNF(boolean, Persistent) - Constructor for class com.groiss.accesscontrol.DNF
dnf with a given value / context-object
DNF(List<List<PermissionQuery>>) - Constructor for class com.groiss.accesscontrol.DNF
doc - Variable in class com.groiss.gui.XHTMLPage
docAddSubform - Variable in class com.groiss.wfxml.Test
docAddSubformLabel - Variable in class com.groiss.wfxml.Test
docAttachNote - Variable in class com.groiss.wfxml.Test
DocCreator - Class in
Create a document from an open office template.
DocCreator() - Constructor for class
docFilename - Variable in class com.groiss.wfxml.Test
docFilenameLabel - Variable in class com.groiss.wfxml.Test
docFormId - Variable in class com.groiss.wfxml.Test
docFormVersion - Variable in class com.groiss.wfxml.Test
docIdVersionPanel - Variable in class com.groiss.wfxml.Test
docName - Variable in class com.groiss.wfxml.Test
doCompensate(BatchJob) - Method in interface
Will be called when a GoBack() action on the process is being performed and the goBack path crosses the corresponding batch step.
doCompensate(BatchJob) - Method in class
docType - Variable in class com.groiss.wfxml.Test
DOCUMENT_FORM - Static variable in interface com.groiss.dms.FormType
Determines that this formtype is a document
documentCreator - Variable in class com.groiss.wfxml.WfXMLMessage
If this user is defined, it will be used to create all documents for which no other creator is defined.
documentCreatorId - Variable in class com.groiss.wfxml.WfXMLMessage
DocumentEventHandler - Interface in com.groiss.dms
This interface can be used to react on setting the content of a DMS document.
DocumentManager - Class in
Utility class for handling office-documents and templates following variables are accessible, in the mixin(..) methods ai: the current activity instance (WfEngine.getContext()) pi: the process-instance of $ai user: ThreadContext.getThreadPrincipal() form_{formid}: the process-form with the given id configuration: the system configuration configuration_applid: the application configuration all other properties specified with the respective methods
DocumentManager() - Constructor for class
docUserId - Variable in class com.groiss.wfxml.Test
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class com.groiss.servlet.EPFilter
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class com.groiss.servlet.EPTopFilter
doLogDBSessionId() - Static method in class
dontUseMappedString - Variable in class
doPoll(BatchJob) - Method in interface
The doPoll method is being used by the executing (timer) thread to determine if a batchjob has been finished.
doPoll(BatchJob) - Method in class
doSendFromBuffer(WfXMLMessage) - Method in interface com.groiss.wfxml.BufferListener
This method will be called by the WfXML Timer Task before it sends a message from the local outgoing buffer.
doStart(BatchJob) - Method in interface
The doStart Method is responsible for starting the batch job.
doStart(BatchJob) - Method in class
DOWNLOAD - Static variable in interface com.groiss.dms.DMSTableHandler
key for the action 'Download'
download(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.groiss.reporting.export.DelimiterSeperatedValuesExporter
download(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.groiss.reporting.export.DownloadExporter
Implement this method to provide download.
DownloadExporter<T> - Class in com.groiss.reporting.export
Abstract subclass of HTMLExporter.
DownloadExporter() - Constructor for class com.groiss.reporting.export.DownloadExporter
drawNonClickable(Pair<?, ?>, int) - Method in class com.groiss.gui.HTMLTree
drawTree(Pair<?, ?>, int, boolean, String) - Method in class com.groiss.gui.HTMLTree
DropdownList - Class in com.groiss.gui.component
A HTML select element with size=1
DropdownList() - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.DropdownList
Constructs a new empty dropdown list component.
DropdownList(String) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.DropdownList
Constructor with name.
DropdownList(String, Collection<?>) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.DropdownList
Constructor with name and content list.
DropdownList(String, Object[]) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.DropdownList
Constructor with name and content list.
DropdownList(String, Collection<?>, boolean) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.DropdownList
Constructor with name and content list.
DropdownList(String, Collection<?>, boolean, String) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.DropdownList
Constructor with name and content list.
DropdownList(String, Collection<?>, boolean, String, String) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.DropdownList
Constructor with name and content list.
duedateChanged(ActivityInstance) - Method in class com.groiss.planning.PlanTimeMgmt
This method reacts on duedate changes as follows: If a plan exists, the plan is not changed, but the slack is recomputed.
duedateChanged(ActivityInstance) - Method in class com.groiss.timemgmt.DefaultTimeManagementImpl
duedateChanged(ActivityInstance) - Method in interface com.groiss.timemgmt.TimeManagement
This method is called if the duedate of an activity or process instance is changed (from API or user interface).
duration() - Method in class
Returns how long it took (in seconds) for calculating this result
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