Interface | Description |
HttpAuth |
The interface HttpdAuth defines the authentification interface,
application programmers can
provide their own class implementing their authentification policy.
Public |
The methods of the class are public, no authorization is needed.
URLChecker |
Checks whether urls are allowed.
WebDAVAuth |
This interface defines the authentification interface when accessing DMS elements via WebDAV.
Class | Description |
Dispatcher |
This servlet calls methods via reflection.
EPFilter |
Common functions for the @enterprise servlets.
EPTopFilter |
Allows for future incorporation of a Filter as the first one in the chain.
HttpUtils |
Utility class for dealing with special cases in the area of the HTTP protocol.
MultipartRequest |
A wrapper of HttpServletRequest with additional methods to handle files
and adding and removing parameters.
ServletUtils |
Utility methods to use in servlets.
Enum | Description |
Access.mode |
Annotation Type | Description |
Access |
This annotation describes the access of a web method, it is either public (everybody has access),
or user (logged in users have access), or admin (= part of the administration).
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