See: Description
Interface | Description |
TopLevelException |
Interface for exceptions where the message is directly presented to the user interface.
Class | Description |
ApplicationObjectInputStream |
Special ObjectInputStream that uses the @enterprise class loader, thus, also
classes in the application class path can be found.
Assert |
Class for defining assertions.
Base64 |
Provides encoding of raw bytes to base64-encoded characters, and
decoding of base64 characters to raw bytes.
ByteArrayDataSource |
A DataSource that can be created out of a byte array, a
String or an
input stream. |
Clipboard |
This class is the clipboard for all copy/cut/link actions.
DBExtender | |
FileUtil |
Some convenient file methods.
IPChecker |
IPChecker allows to check IP Addresses with respect to the allow/deny patterns specified
in the configuration.
Jcrypt |
Java implementation of the unix crypt command.
MailSender |
Use the methods in this class for sending SMTP mails.
MailUtil |
Utility class containing methods for dealing with
Message objects. |
RMIThreadContext |
Defines a context which is given to the RMI-Wrappers
Settings |
This class defines some settings of the server.
StringUtil |
Some convenient string manipulation methods.
ThreadContext |
This class is designed to hold thread specific information which can then be
requested anywhere in the code.
TransientWrapper |
Provides a means to exclude serializable objects from serialization mechanisms by wrapping them.
Enum | Description |
ApplicationException.Level |
Level for logging the exception.
Clipboard.Mode |
the supported modes for the clipboard
MailSender.MailAction |
MailAction defines the action for the mail.
Exception | Description |
ApplicationException |
Class for Exceptions thrown in the application.
Assert.Failed |
Annotation Type | Description |
SuppressFBWarnings |
Annotation to suppress warnings from SpotBugs / FindBugs
@SuppressFBWarnings( value = { "SQL_INJECTION_JDBC", "SQL_NONCONSTANT_STRING_PASSED_TO_EXECUTE" }, justification = "Statement constructed from well controlled inputs.") @SuppressFBWarnings( value = "WEAK_MESSAGE_DIGEST_MD5", justification = "Uncritical fingerprint for cache busting.") |
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