Interface | Description |
Agent |
Common interface for User and Role.
Application |
Interface for describing an application.
HasLog |
Automatically record the history when changing the object via OrgData.
HasLoggingContext | |
HasOrgContext | |
HasPermissionList |
Objects implementing HasPermissionList have an acl field of type
PermissionList . |
HasResource | |
HasVersionId |
History Entries with a special Version id
IPChangeListener |
Called when a change of the IP address in the session is detected.
IUserSession | |
LogEntry |
A log entry written when an instance of HasLog is inserted, updated or deleted.
LoginListener |
Allows to perform actions after login or logout on a
IUserSession . |
OrgClass |
A type for for ganizational unit, for example department, group, etc.
OrgData |
This interface allows access to the organizational data stored in @enterprise.
OrgTree |
Class for representing an organizational structure.
OrgUnit |
Class for representing an organizational unit.
Permission |
This interface describes a single permission, the base of the @enterprise permission system.
PermissionList | |
PersistentVersion |
This interface represents a version of a persistent object and it is intended to be also made persistent.
RemoteOrgData |
This interface allows access to the organizational data stored in @enterprise.
Right |
Interface for describing a right.
Role |
This interface describes a role.
User |
A user is a representation for a person registered for
working with the system
UserRole |
This interface describes a role.
Class | Description |
AuthUtil |
Utilities for writing an authorization class.
CheckedPersistent | |
ObjectExtensionCleaner |
Handler for deleting object extensions.
OrgData.Applications |
Predefined applications.
OrgData.OrgTrees |
Predefined organization trees.
OrgData.Rights |
Predefined rights.
OrgData.Roles |
Predefined roles.
OrgData.Users |
Predefined users.
PasswdAuth |
The default Authorization class.
SSLAuth |
redirect to SSL for login
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