public interface Admin
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
addAdminLinks(String name,
Resource resource,
Link[] actions)
Use appl_id/admin_tasks_fragment.xml files for extending the admin interface.
void |
addToLogEntryTable(String formClassname)
Adds the passed form class to the list of available classes for which objects the historic data may be
listed using the according admin task in the Administration UI.
FormType |
changeIdOfFormType(FormType ft,
String newid,
boolean keep,
PrintWriter pw)
Change the id of the passed formtype.
MessageTemplate |
Create a new, empty message template.
void |
createSysEvent(String id,
String description)
Write a record to the system event log in the database.
void |
executeTimer(String id)
Execute the timer with the given id
String |
Execute db-upgrades in @enterprise, if db-version is out-of-date.
String |
exportXML(List<Exportable> objects,
String clustername,
String description,
Set<String> skipclasses,
OutputStream os,
PrintWriter pw)
Perform an XML Export.
String |
exportXML(String mainclass,
String condition,
List<Object> params,
String clustername,
String description,
Set<String> skipclasses,
boolean mapusers,
OutputStream os,
PrintWriter pw)
Perform an XML Export.
String |
exportXML(String mainclass,
String condition,
List<Object> params,
String clustername,
String description,
Set<String> skipclasses,
OutputStream os,
PrintWriter pw)
Perform an XML Export.
String |
fileImport(File fs,
String key)
Method for importing a text file into a database table.
void |
generateFormClass(FormType ft)
Generate the classes for the given form type.
MessageTemplate |
getMessageTemplate(String id)
Read the message template with the given id from the database.
String |
returns the url to the admin connector of the web server, the information is maintained in the server object
in the administration.
String |
returns the url to the web server, the information is maintained in the server object
in the administration.
String |
getUserSessionId(String httpSessionId)
Get the user session id from http-session id.
String |
importXML(String resource)
Perform an XML-Import.
void |
Initialize the log file (start writing a new one)
String |
installApplication(String destdir,
File source)
Method for installing an application.
boolean |
Is login to @enterprise allowed?
void |
logout(String sessionId)
Logout a user.
void |
Refresh the activities in the worklist cache
void |
Refresh the organizational data in the worklist cache
void |
Marks all Database Connections as old.
void |
removeFieldModes(ProcessDefinition pd,
String steplabel,
String formid,
String subformids)
Remove the field modes of a form in a process.
void |
replaceHTML(FormType ft,
String htmlpage)
Regenerate a form.
void |
Restart the @enterprise server
void |
sendToAdmin(String subject,
String message)
Send a message with mime-type text/plain to the system administrator.
void |
sendToAdmin(String subject,
String message,
MailSender.MailAction action)
Send a message with mime-type text/plain to the system administrator.
String |
Print out the server information.
void |
setFieldModes(ProcessDefinition pd,
String steplabel,
String formid,
String subformids,
Map<String,Short> modes)
Set the field mode for a step in a process.
void |
setLoginAllowed(String nodeid,
boolean allowed,
String message)
Allow or deny the login on the given node.
void |
setLoginAllowed(String nodeid,
boolean allowed,
String message,
int currentSessions,
String successorNodeId)
Allow or deny the login on the given node.
showClassLocation(String cl)
Search the resource in the classpath.
void |
Stop the @enterprise server
String |
View the current log file
void stopServer()
void restartServer()
void generateFormClass(FormType ft) throws Exception
void replaceHTML(FormType ft, String htmlpage) throws Exception
FormType changeIdOfFormType(FormType ft, String newid, boolean keep, PrintWriter pw) throws Exception
- the formtype which id shall be changednewid
- the new id for the formtypekeep
- if true a copy of the original formtype will be made and kept in the system before changing the idpw
- used to log information about the steps performed during this operationException
void executeTimer(String id) throws Exception
void refreshWorklistCacheOrgData()
void refreshWorklistCacheInstances()
void initLogFile()
String viewLogFile() throws IOException
boolean isLoginAllowed()
void logout(String sessionId)
- the id of the user session.String getUserSessionId(String httpSessionId)
void setLoginAllowed(String nodeid, boolean allowed, String message) throws Exception
- id of cluster node, ignored in non-cluster modeallowed
- if true login is allowedmessage
- a message for the users trying to login.Exception
void setLoginAllowed(String nodeid, boolean allowed, String message, int currentSessions, String successorNodeId) throws Exception
String executeUpgrade() throws Exception
void createSysEvent(String id, String description)
- an iddescription
- description of the eventString importXML(String resource) throws Exception
- a resource in the classpathException
String installApplication(String destdir, File source) throws Exception
- destination directorysource
- the zip file containing the applicationException
String fileImport(File fs, String key) throws Exception
- the file to importkey
- the key referencing the import description. This key has the following syntax: applid:descname
The applid is the id of an application, an import description is searched in the classpath using the path
applid/import.xml, the descname is the name of an import declaration in the file.Exception
String exportXML(String mainclass, String condition, List<Object> params, String clustername, String description, Set<String> skipclasses, OutputStream os, PrintWriter pw) throws Exception
- export elements of this classcondition
- restriction for mainclassparams
- parameter of the conditionclustername
- refers to a cluster in SchemaDescription contains a list of classes to exportdescription
- description for export fileskipclasses
- do not export member of these classesos
- write the export to this streampw
- write the log to this writerException
String exportXML(String mainclass, String condition, List<Object> params, String clustername, String description, Set<String> skipclasses, boolean mapusers, OutputStream os, PrintWriter pw) throws Exception
- export elements of this classcondition
- restriction for mainclassparams
- parameter of the conditionclustername
- refers to a cluster in SchemaDescription contains a list of classes to exportdescription
- description for export fileskipclasses
- do not export member of these classesmapusers
- map users tro sysadmos
- write the export to this streampw
- write the log to this writerException
String exportXML(List<Exportable> objects, String clustername, String description, Set<String> skipclasses, OutputStream os, PrintWriter pw) throws Exception
- a homogenous list of objects of an exportable classclustername
- refers to a cluster in SchemaDescription contains a list of classes to exportdescription
- description for export fileskipclasses
- do not export member of these classesos
- write the export to this streampw
- write the log to this writerException
String getServerURL()
String getServerAdminURL()
void reloadDBConnections()
void setFieldModes(ProcessDefinition pd, String steplabel, String formid, String subformids, Map<String,Short> modes)
- the process definition object, mandatorysteplabel
- the label of the step, mandatoryformid
- the id of the form, mandatorysubformids
- the key for subforms: If the modes of a subform are set, this parameter
contains the subforms id(s) separated be a slash. Example: the form f has a subform g with id 1, g has a subform
h with id 3, the parameter subformids should have the value "1/3" if setting the field values of form h.
If the modes of a mainform are set the parameters is either "0" or may be null.modes
- The modes map is a map of fieldnames and mode values. See the constants in WfEngine for the value range.
The field names are either the java field names of the form class of the classname and id of the subform, separated
by a space.void removeFieldModes(ProcessDefinition pd, String steplabel, String formid, String subformids)
- the process definition object, mandatorysteplabel
- the steplabel, may be nullformid
- id of the form in the process, mandatorysubformids
- syntax as in setFieldModes, null means all form fields of the form (and step) are deleted.@Deprecated void addAdminLinks(String name, Resource resource, Link[] actions)
- the name of the admin groupresource
- the resource to use for i18nactions
- the admin actions to addvoid addToLogEntryTable(String formClassname)
- the full qualified name of the class. Must be a class of type DMSForm
, otherwise if will not be
added and a log message will inform about this situation.MessageTemplate getMessageTemplate(String id)
- id of a message templateMessageTemplate createMessageTemplate()
void sendToAdmin(String subject, String message)
- the subjectmessage
- the messagevoid sendToAdmin(String subject, String message, MailSender.MailAction action)
- the subjectmessage
- the messagemessage
- the MailSender.MailAction
, if null
the configured setting of property "ep.mail.queue.usage" is taken@enterprise 10.0.39257 Copyright © FREQUENTIS AG. All Rights Reserved.