public abstract class ExportablePersistentObject extends PersistentObject implements Exportable
which can be exported via the @enterprise import/export functionality
all required Exportable
methods are implemented with default behaviorfilled, oid
Constructor and Description |
ExportablePersistentObject() |
afterDelete, afterInsert, afterRead, afterUpdate, beforeDelete, beforeInsert, beforeUpdate, clone, dbFields, equals, getKey, getKeys, getLocalClassName, getLocalObjectName, getOid, getStore, getValue, hashCode, isFilled, isValid, onDelete, onInsert, onRead, onUpdate, setFilled, setOid, setOid, setStore, toListString
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
beforeImport, exportFields, getAdditionalObjects, getRequiredObjects, getRequiredReferences
afterDelete, afterInsert, afterRead, afterUpdate, beforeDelete, beforeInsert, beforeUpdate, dbFields, getKey, getKeys, getLocalClassName, getLocalObjectName, getOid, getStore, getTableName, getValue, isFilled, isValid, setFilled, setOid, setOid, setStore, toListString
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