
The org package contains classes and interfaces for accessing the organizational structure.


Interface Summary
Agent Common interface for User and Role.
Application Interface for describing an application.
HasLog Record the history when changing the object.
LogEntry A log entryy written when an instance of HasLog is inserted, updated or deleted.
OrgClass A type for for ganizational unit, for example department, group, etc.
OrgData This interface allows access to the organizational data stored in @enterprise.
OrgTree Class for representing an organizational structure.
OrgUnit Class for representing an organizational unit.
Permission This interface describes a permission, the base of the @enterprise right system.
PersistentVersion This interface represents a version of a persistent object and it is intended to be also made persistent.
RemoteOrgData This interface allows access to the organizational data stored in @enterprise.
Right Interface for describing a right.
RightCheck This interface is designed to provide non-standard permission control for objects.
Role This interface describes a role.
User A user is a representation for a person registered for working with the system
UserRole This interface describes a role.

Class Summary
AuthUtil Utilities for writing an authorization class.
DefaultRightCheck This class provides the default implementation for right checks in @enterprise.
ObjectExtensionCleaner Handler for deleting object extensions.
PasswdAuth The default Authorization class.
SSLAuth redirect to SSL for login
UserSessionManager Maintains user sessions

Package Description

The org package contains classes and interfaces for accessing the organizational structure.

@enterprise 8.0.22989 Copyright © 2001-2017 Groiss Informatics GmbH. All Rights Reserved.