Package com.groiss.ds
package com.groiss.ds
Useful data structures and interfaces.
ClassDescriptionstring-comparator which correctly sorts alphanumeric valuesThis is a utility class to construct clustered caches which propagate changes in the cluster.The comparable pair represents a pair of a key and a value.A CountedSemaphore (from Dijkstra) where waiting threads are handled in FIFO order.Compares json objects according to the passed attributes.KeyedList<K,
V> This class implements an ordered map.KeyValuePair<K,V> This interface is implemented by some classes like PersistantObject, which have a unique key (object id) and a value - the object itself or a string representation.Compare two lists.Compare two maps or persistents.MultiMap<K,V> A MultiMap maps keys to objects, where one key can be mapped to a list of objects.A table model implementation that allows objects as column names.OrderedMap<K,V> A map implementation where they keys are backed by a hashmap.Pair<F,S> A Pair is an object that contains two other objects.PairComparator<K,V> Use this comparator to sort Persistent objects or other KeyValuePairs.This Exception is thrown when the semaphore queue is full.An expression is parsed, the containing variables are substituted with values.ThreadLocal2<T>Same as java.lang.ThreadLocal, plus monitoring utilityTree<D>Simple N-ary Tree structure.Triple<F,S, T> A Triple is an object that contains three other objects.TwoLevelMap<K1,K2, V> HashMap based two-level Map.This Exception is thrown when an action will block the current thread.