Package com.groiss.dms
Interface DMSWebLink
- All Superinterfaces:
,String> OptimisticLocking
The base interface for all Weblinks in @enterprise DMS
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final String
Defines the name of the field holding the describtion of this weblink.static final String
Defines the name of the field holding the name of this weblink.static final String
Defines the name of the field holding the url of this weblink.Fields inherited from interface
Method Summary
Methods inherited from interface com.groiss.dms.DMSForm
getField, getFieldType, getFormType, getSubforms, hasField, setActivityContext, setActivityContext, setField
Methods inherited from interface com.groiss.dms.DMSObject
attachNote, getChangedAt, getChangedBy, getCreatedAt, getCreatedBy, getName, getTypeName, hasAttachedNotes, hasVersions, listAttachedNotes, listVersions, makeCopy, makeVersion, removeNote, setName
Methods inherited from interface
getDefaultOrgUnit, getPermissionList, setPermissionList
Methods inherited from interface
getVersionId, setVersionId
Methods inherited from interface
getTransactionId, increaseTransactionId, setTransactionId
Methods inherited from interface
afterDelete, afterInsert, afterRead, afterUpdate, beforeDelete, beforeInsert, beforeUpdate, dbFields, getKey, getKeys, getLocalClassName, getLocalObjectName, getOid, getStore, getTableName, getValue, isFilled, isValid, setFilled, setOid, setOid, toListString
Field Details
Defines the name of the field holding the name of this weblink.- See Also:
Defines the name of the field holding the url of this weblink.- See Also:
Defines the name of the field holding the describtion of this weblink.- See Also: