Interface DMSTableHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface DMSTableHandler
Implement this class for modifying a DMS table.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final String
    key for the action 'Attach Note'
    static final String
    key for the action 'Change type'
    static final String
    key for the column holding the date of the last change of the DMSObject
    static final String
    key for the action 'Clipboard'
    static final String
    key for the action 'Copy'
    static final String
    key for the action 'Create Version'
    static final String
    key for the action 'Cut'
    static final String
    key for the action 'Delete'
    static final String
    key for the action 'Download'
    static final String
    key for the action 'Folder properties'
    static final String
    key for the action 'Folder properties'
    static final String
    key for the column holding the form link of the DMSObject
    static final String
    key for the column holding the link to the detailed information of the DMSObject
    static final String
    key for the action 'Link'
    static final String
    key for the column holding the name of the DMSObject and the link to its content
    static final String
    key for the action 'New'
    static final String
    key for the column holding the link to the attached notes of the DMSObject
    static final String
    key for the column holding the oid of the DMSObject
    static final String
    key for the action 'Paste'
    static final String
    Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
    since ep 11; is not needed in smartclient UI
    static final String
    key for the action 'Replace'
    static final int
    Determines that the user has only view right for the folder.
    static final int
    will not be used and supported since version 8.0
    static final int
    Determines that the user has edit right for the folder.
    static final String
    Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
    since ep 11; is not needed in smartclient UI
    static final String
    Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
    since ep 11; is not needed in smartclient UI
    static final String
    Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
    since ep 11; is not needed in smartclient UI
    static final String
    key for the action 'Send to'
    static final String
    key for the action 'Sign'
    static final String
    key for the column holding the size of the DMSObject
    static final String
    key for the action separator
    static final String
    key for the action 'Start process'
    static final String
    key for the column holding the status of the DMSObject
    static final String
    key for the column holding the formtype of the DMSObject
    static final String
    Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
    since ep 11; is not needed in smartclient UI
    static final String
    key for the column holding the link to the versions of the DMSObject
    static final String
    Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
    since ep 11; is not supported in smartclient UI
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default List<DMSObject>
    Your chance to modify the list of the table entries and to collect additional data for them.
    default void
    init(HttpServletRequest req, DMSFolder folder, User u, int mode)
    You can init your class with the request
    default String
    lineStyle(DMSObject obj, String style)
    Change the style of the line by returning the name of the style class to use.
    default void
    Your chance to modify the set of provided actions, called for each table line.
    default void
    You get the columns as we suggest it as a list of ColumnDescription (see the corresponding statics defined in this interface as values for the ids of the ColumnDescriptions, e.g.
    default void
    Your chance to modify the line, called for each table line.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • init

      default void init(HttpServletRequest req, DMSFolder folder, User u, int mode)
      You can init your class with the request
      req - the request
      folder - the folder
      u - the user
      mode - is RW or RO
    • getList

      default List<DMSObject> getList(List<DMSObject> objects)
      Your chance to modify the list of the table entries and to collect additional data for them.
      Default returns passed objects unmodified.
    • modifyColumns

      default void modifyColumns(List<ColumnDescription> colDescs)
      You get the columns as we suggest it as a list of ColumnDescription (see the corresponding statics defined in this interface as values for the ids of the ColumnDescriptions, e.g. NAME) You can change these columns as you like. The resulting column list is used to build the table: for all system definied columns we add the corresponding column value, for other ids we add "null" elements.
      colDescs - a list of column descriptions
    • modifyTableLine

      default void modifyTableLine(DMSObject obj, Map<String,Object> line)
      Your chance to modify the line, called for each table line. Making the list empty removes the item from the worklist.
      obj - the DMSObject
      line - the line as map holding the ids and values of the columns
    • modifyActions

      default void modifyActions(List<Pair<String,Object>> actions)
      Your chance to modify the set of provided actions, called for each table line.
      actions - a list of pairs holding the set of actions. Pair.first holds the identifier of the action (see Programming Guide), Pair.second holds the action
    • lineStyle

      default String lineStyle(DMSObject obj, String style)
      Change the style of the line by returning the name of the style class to use.
      Default returns the passed style.